Customer Grouped Invoices - Drafts
  • 14 May 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Customer Grouped Invoices - Drafts

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Article summary


Joblogic enables users to group a batch of draft invoices for a customer and merge these into a singular customer grouped invoice. This user guide details how this can be actioned within Joblogic’s back office system.

Grouping Draft Invoices

In order to create a customer grouped invoice based on existing singular draft invoices, navigate to the create customer grouped invoice area via ‘Invoices’ > ‘Create Customer Grouped’.

Within the ‘Create Customer Grouped Invoice’ page, select the ‘Draft Invoices’ tab from the top tabs menu.

Select the customer that the grouped invoice will be for from the ‘Customer’ dropdown box.

All draft invoices for the customer will be presented but the search tool can be used to filter and search for specific draft invoices which are to be grouped. For example, to only present draft invoices for a particular fixed price PPM contract.

Select the draft invoices that are required to be grouped by selecting their applicable tick boxes. The accumulated amount for the invoices selected will display within the ‘Total Amount Cost’ area.

Once the required invoices to be grouped have been selected, select the ‘Save’ button.

A popup window will appear advising as to how the selected draft invoices will no longer be available individually once converted into a customer grouped invoice.

To proceed, select the declaration tick box and select ‘Yes’.

The selected invoices will then be converted into a draft customer grouped invoice reflecting the amount accumulated when selecting the individual draft invoices. Each individual draft invoice selected will be allocated as a line within the draft customer grouped invoice.

Whilst still in draft, the nominal codes of the invoice lines can be assigned or amended by selecting the ‘Description’ of each line and filing in the details of the ‘Edit Invoice Line’ window. A discount amount/percentage can also be assigned here and the existing details of the line such as the description or price can be amended, if required.

Further lines can be manually added to the grouped invoice by selecting the ‘+ Add Line’ button and filling in the details of the ‘Add Invoice Line’ window.

Additional draft invoices and further job costs yet to have been invoiced can also be added to the grouped invoice via the ‘+ Add Jobs’ and ‘+ Add Draft Invoices’ options.

Adding further job costs (Add Jobs):

Adding additional draft invoices (Add Draft Invoices):

If required, the ‘Auto- Update Lines’ button can be used to regenerate any invoice lines as per their associated job cost or quote lines, where applicable (this action has not been conducted in this guide's example).

Any further details such as tags (customised system labels used for searching and reporting), an order number and account number can be added to the draft grouped invoice via the ‘Details’ area, selecting the ‘Edit’ icon, filling in the details and selecting ‘Save’.

Any notes, a header and the invoice’s terms can be added to the draft grouped invoice via the ‘Notes’ area, selecting the ‘Edit’ icon, filling in the details and selecting ‘Save’.

The ‘Totals’ area towards the bottom of the screen automatically populates as per the details entered and presents the invoice’s accumulated total, breaking down the VAT, the remaining balance and the discounted amount, if applicable.

Once the required details have been assigned to the invoice and the lines have been satisfactorily entered, select the ‘Approve’ Button.

The customer grouped invoice will then generate as per the details, lines and amounts entered with a unique system generated invoice number.

The above guide uses standard invoices as an example but a variety of draft invoices of differing types can be grouped. For example, a customer grouped invoice can consist of a mixture of draft standard and PPM invoices, other draft customer grouped invoices and invoices related to a schedule of rates, if required.

Further Support

For further information or assistance with the above, contact our Support Team on 0800 326 5561 or email Alternatively, our Customer Success Management team can be reached by emailing

Publishing Details

This document was written and produced by Joblogic’s Technical Writing team and was last updated on the date specified above. Be aware that the information provided may be subject to change following further updates on the matter becoming available or new releases within the system. Additionally, details within the guide may vary depending on your Joblogic account’s user permissions and settings or the electronic device being used.

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