Customers, Sites and Assets - General Structure
  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Customers, Sites and Assets - General Structure

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Article summary


There are many different ways to structure your customers, sites and assets within Joblogic depending on the requirements and layout of your business. This user guide will provide the system’s general definitions of these items and detail a typical way that they are laid out and used within the system.

Customers, Sites and Assets

The typical way in which Joblogic looks at customer, site and asset structure is that you would firstly have an overall customer (the main overarching customer account that you have with your client). Sites (the physical entities that the work is conducted at) are then logged and stored under their applicable customer and assets (a piece of equipment, typically fixed at your customer's site which you maintain, repair and service for them) are then stored under their applicable site and customer account.

There are two main examples of this.

Example 1

Your customer is a corporate organisation with multiple sites under one main customer account. For example, a supermarket chain who you maintain, repair and service the boilers for at their multiple stores.

Your customer in Joblogic would be the supermarket chain/head office details. Your sites would be the multiple stores that you have agreed to do the work at for them (housing the multiple boilers) and your assets in Joblogic would be each individual boiler that you maintain, repair and service.

Example 2

Your customer is a domestic individual with just one site which might be their home/place of residence and you maintain, repair and service their boiler for them.

Your customer in Joblogic would be the individual/their personal details eg. Mr Smith and their house details. Your site would again be their home details and the asset would be the boiler that you maintain, repair and service for them at their house.

The different ways to create in Joblogic

The below details the different ways that you can create customers, sites and assets within Joblogic.


The main, overarching customer/client account.
See here for specific details on adding a customer individually.
See here for details on importing customers via CSV spreadsheets and templates.
Customers can also be imported from your accounts package via a live synchronisation if you use Xero or Quickbooks. See here for details on this regarding Xero. Alternatively, our support team will be able to assist with Xero or Quickbooks live integration if this is something that you require (0800 326 5561,


The physical entities that the work is conducted at. A customer may have just one or multiple sites under it.
See here for specific details on adding a site individually.
See here for details on importing sites via CSV spreadsheets and templates.


A piece of equipment, typically fixed at your customer’s site which you maintain, repair and service for them.
See here for specific details on adding an asset individually.
See here for details on importing assets via CSV spreadsheets and templates.

Further Support

For further information or assistance with the above, contact our Support Team on 0800 326 5561 or email Alternatively, our Customer Success Management team can be reached by emailing

Publishing Details

This document was written and produced by Joblogic’s Technical Writing team and was last updated on the date specified above. Be aware that the information provided may be subject to change following further updates on the matter becoming available or new releases within the system. Additionally, details within the guide may vary depending on your Joblogic account’s user permissions and settings or the electronic device being used.

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