Data Dictionary
  • 14 Jul 2023
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Data Dictionary

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Table of Contents

Table NameColumn CountDescription
Area11This table contains Description of the Site Areas.
Asset51This contains the Asset Register; so all assets against sites.
Asset_TapsAndBrands10This contains the tap numbers against each asset in Asset Details page.
AssetClass12This table contains the Description of Equipment Class that can be selected on the Asset Details page.
AssetCondition10This table contains the different conditions for the assets. 
AuditJobStatus11This table contains all the job status changes against each job.
BaseInvoice34This is the main invoice table containing all standard, customer grouped and PPM invoices.
Company231This is information specific to the whole company.
Contact16This table contains information about all the contacts added against the customers and sites.
Customer81This table contains the information about the customers.
CustomerGrouped_Invoice8This table contains all the Customer Grouped Invoices only.
CustomerGrouped_InvoiceLine22This is customer grouped invoice lines with information like invoice line value, tax etc.
CustomerGrouped_InvoicePayment18This table contains information about the payments against customer grouped invoices.
CustomerTypes7This contains customer types (housing, landlord, commercial, etc).
Engineer35This table contains the details of all the engineers .
EngineerClass11This table contains the information about the Engineer Class in the Engineer Detail Page for an engineer.
EngineerPayBands9This table contains the LabourCostRate, TravelCostRate and MileageCostRate for the engineers.
EngineerTrades6This table contains the engineer trades (skills) like electrical, mechanical, etc.
Expenses8This table contains the information about the Expenses Description added in the cost section.
FGasAdditionRemovalReason9This table shows the Addition, Removal and Correction reasons in the refcom section.
FileLink16This table contains all the attachments against notes, tags etc.
GasCylinder20This contains the information about the  Gas Cylinders from the Refcom section of the system.
GasCylinderTransaction19This table records all the transactions on the gas cylinders like quantity added or removed, etc.
Incoming_Orders17This shows the status of all the quotes and there details
Invoice18This is standard invoices raised against one job, this can be joined with BaseInvoice.
InvoicePayments19This table contains the payments for the standard invoices stored in the Invoice table.
Job70This table contains all the jobs.
JobAsset32This tables shows the job assets
JobAsset_Task18This table shows the tasks against the job assets.
JobCategory12This table contains the job categories.
JobCost100This table contains the costs for all the jobs.
JobNote3This table shows the notes against the jobs.
JobPart39This table contains the parts description used and parts required against engineer visits
JobQuickFilter10This table contains the information about the quick filters that are used in the jobs page in the search section.
JobStatus11This table shows the job status.
JobType19This table shows the job type.
JobVisit52This table shows the visits against the jobs.
JobVisitExpense17This table shows the expenses on the visits.
JobVisitNote3This table shows the notes against the job visits.
LeakCheck12This table contains asset leak check follow up actions.
MobileFormHeader24This table contains the forms logbook data.
NominalCodes9This table contains the description of the nominal codes.
NonProductiveTime15This table contains the non productive times shown in the timesheets module
NonProductiveTime_Types10This table contains the different types of Non Productive Times.
Notes12This table contains all notes (including notes linked to attachments).
Part58This contains both Parts and Equipment.
PartCategory11This table contains the categories of the parts.
PayBands13This is where the library of paybands is stored in Settings>System Setup>Financial
PayBandTimes14This contains the time bands (start day, hour and minute), (End day, hour, minute).
PPMContract26This table contains the overall PPM Contract Information.
PPMContract_FixedPriceInvoices10This table contains the fixed billing type PPM Invoices.
PPMContract_InvoiceHeaders28This table contains the Invoicing information for all PPM contracts.
PPMContract_InvoiceLines18This table contains PPM Contract Invoice lines for invoice billing type only.
PPMContract_InvoicePayments18This table contains payments for PPM Contract Invoices for invoice billing type only.
PPMContract_Invoices9This table contains PPM Contract Invoices for invoice billing type only.
PPMContract_Visits12This table contains the visit information of visits added via the PPM Contracts>Visits section.
Priority20This table contains all Priorities that can be assigned to Jobs.
PurchaseOrder36This table contains Supplier Purchase Orders
PurchaseOrder_Lines28This table contains the lines against Supplier purchase orders
PurchaseOrder_Resolved12This table contains the information of Purchase Orders that are manually resolved.
PurchaseOrder_SupplierInvoice15This table contains Supplier Invoices against Supplier Purchase Orders
PurchaseOrder_SupplierInvoice_Lines15This table contains the line items against Supplier Invoices against Supplier Purchase Orders
Quote60This table contains all the quotes.
QuoteCost83This table shows the cost against the quotes.
QuoteNote3This table shows the notes against the quotes.
QuotePayment11This table contains the quote payment details along with the user id who did the payment.
QuoteRejectReason8This table contains the Quote Reject Reasons
QuoteSources8This table gives the description of Quote Sources.
SellingRates27This shows the selling rates.
SellingRatesGrid12This is the break down of what is in each grid for the selling rates in the system.
ServiceType11This table contains the service types in Jobs>Assets for PPM Jobs.
ServiceTypeLine12This is the Service Type Task Lists in Jobs>Assets for PPM Jobs.
Site110This table shows all the sites.
StockLocation16This table contains all the stock locations.
StockRackShelf11This is the "Racks/Shelves Lists" against each stock location.
StockRecord9This table contains all the stocks present at a location.
StockRecordAudit19This is the audit of stock records, you can see this in the audits tab against any any stock
StockRecordLocation12This is each location that each piece of stock is currently located at.
StockVehicle19This is the record of each vehicle in the system.
StockVehicleAudit12This table contains the audit information about the stock vehicles.
Subcontractor16This contains the details of all the subcontractors.
Supplier22This table contains all the Suppliers information.
SupplierBranches20This table contains supplier branches.
SupplierParts10This table contains the equipment that are assigned to a specific supplier.
Tag7This table contains the library of tags.
TagAssociation8This table links Tag Ids with Entity Types.
TagLevel9This table is used to link tags with the relevant entity type like jobs, invoices etc.
Task10This is each task found in Settings>Library>Tasks
TaskLine10This contains the sub tasks against each task found in Settings>Library>Tasks
TaxCodes14This is the library of tax codes.
TimeAndMileage28This is the breakdown of engineer times, this is shown on timesheets.
Trades8This is where the library of trades are stored.
Users45This table contains all the user details in the system.

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