Web Release: Week Commencing 7th August 2023
  • 25 Aug 2023
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Web Release: Week Commencing 7th August 2023

  • PDF

Article summary

Features scheduled for release on 08/08/23 (US accounts) and 10/08/23 (UK accounts. The functionality detailed will not be available in the system until these dates. However, please note that these are an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. New Priority Columns for Quotes
  2. Supplier Credits and Job Cost Updates
  3. Engineer Pay Bands at Customer Level
  4. Additional PPM Fields, Icons and Settings
  5. A New Customer Grouped Invoice Line Setting
  6. QuickBooks Synchronisation Improvements
  7. Subcontractor Info Checkboxes

Release Details

1. New Priority Columns for Quotes

  • The makeover for priorities continues (see here for our other recent changes)
  • A Priority column has been added to the all quotes screen and export
  • This should help make life a little easier when it comes to finding and reporting on those essential quotes for priority jobs

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2.Supplier Credits and Job Cost Updates

  • Job costing has been made easier when it comes to supplier credits

  • We have added a new ‘Update Jobs Costs’ option when editing and deleting a supplier credit line

  • You can now update a job cost related to a supplier credit line straight from the credit line’s details via a new tick box

  • Say goodbye to having to manually correct supplier credit, job cost lines

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  • We’ve also added a new undelivered items area to the job costs page and some extra total quoted value fields for undelivered items in the profitability section

  • This should help you to keep track of your numbers and materials that haven’t been dropped off yet

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3. Engineer Pay Bands at Customer Level

  • There is always that one customer who needs things doing slightly differently which might mean that you need to pay your engineers’ slightly differently

  • To help with this, you can now set engineer pay bands at customer level, overriding other pay band settings against the engineer or your system default

  • This will allow you to more easily accommodate those customers who’s needs require work that falls outside of your usual engineer pay rates

  • Select the customer who might have their own pay rates and head to their configuration section to check it out

  • Switch the ‘Customer Pay band’ toggle on to take a look

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4. Additional PPM Fields, Icons and Settings

  • We are continuously working to improve and expand upon our already magnificent features and PPM (Planned Preventative Maintenance) is no different

  • We have added a number of new fields, icons and settings which will help to make these types of work even more seamless than they already are

These updates include:

  • New filters for contract start and end date on the PPM contract listing screen allowing you to more easily locate those much-needed contracts and their details

  • These fields have also been added to the PPM Quote listing page and the PPM Contract export

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  • A new default PPM visit start time setting, getting rid of all the manual time setting that used to be needed for each PPM visit

  • This can be found under Settings > System Setup > System Settings

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  • New Job Status icons are now presented on the PPM Visits tab – making life so much easier when you need a quick update on multiple jobs

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  • Improved task completion icons further making things easier at a glance

  • We’ve added a total amount so you can see how many are left remaining and have added Service Tasks one for this too

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  • New ‘In progress’ and ‘Completion’ toast messages will now pop up when creating contracts or upgrading quotes into contracts

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  • A new ‘mark assets and tasks as complete’ settings for the PPM contract importer

  • This settings refers to the importing of PPM visits within a date range that has already past

  • When switched on, all assets, tasks and service type tasks assigned will be automatically marked as completed if assigned to a visit with a past date

  • This new setting will allow for users to utilise the new feature past date function if required or to use the importer as it has previously worked (to import them as incomplete)

  • The setting can be found under Settings > System Setup > System Settings

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5. A New Customer Grouped Invoice Line Setting

  • Customer grouped invoicing is a handy tool but sometimes a little extra detail is needed

  • Currently in the system, when a job for a customer grouped invoice has multiple lines with the same tax rate, the system groups these lines together on the one invoice line

  • For some of our customers this ticks the box and works just fine but for others more specific details on the lines are required

  • We have therefore added a new ‘Multiple Line items for Grouped Invoices’ setting under Settings > System Setup > System Settings

  • When this setting is in place, any cost lines on the same job, with the same tax code will show as their own individual lines on the customer grouped invoice

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6. QuickBooks Synchronisation Improvements

  • Our synchronisation with QuickBooks has been tweaked a little bit

  • Some of the data fields in Joblogic that previously synced have been remapped to more suitable fields within QuickBooks

  • Nothing has changed functionality wise, but this new field mapping now means that data entered within your Joblogic passes over to more appropriate fields in your QuickBooks once synced

The new data field mappings from Joblogic (JL) to QuickBooks (QB) are listed below:

JL Invoice Number - QB Invoice Number

JL Job Completion Date - QB Service Date

JL Job Contact Email Address - QB Customer email

JL Job Description - QB Message on Invoice

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7. Subcontractor Info Checkboxes

  • We have added some useful little checkboxes to the Subcontractor area of jobs

  • These checkboxes can be used to carry over the applicable information selected to the associated Subcontractor Purchase Order’s ‘Work Description’ area

  • The checkboxes and information are ‘Job Description’ and ‘Asset and/or Task Info’

  • This should prove to be a small but powerful little time saver. You’re welcome

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We have decided that we don’t need anymore improvements this week but there were a few pesky bugs that we have sorted.

Bug Fixes

  • A labelling issue where the recommendation details box was pulling through as a revisit reason when a visit was marked as resolved via the mobile application has now been corrected. These recommendations now pull through to the back office under the label ‘recommendations’

  • A problem where the site address was showing incorrectly on customer portal for customer grouped invoices has been resolved

  • An issue on the historical engineer tracking page concerning the start date field displaying incorrectly has been rectified

  • An issue in entering the discount value on supplier invoices has been corrected. You can now enter values from 0.1 - 0.9

  • An issue when adding or editing the hour value in the overtime section of job costs has been fixed

  • A problem within the week view of timesheets where the “Weekly Total” and “Percentage Worked” columns were showing the data incorrectly has been fixed

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