Web Release: Week Commencing 27th November 2023
  • 06 Dec 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Web Release: Week Commencing 27th November 2023

  • PDF

Article summary

Features scheduled for release on 28/11/23 (US based accounts) and 30/11/23 (UK accounts). The functionality detailed will not be available in the system until these dates. However, please note that these are an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. GPS Coordinate Recording
  2. Service Kits Continued
  3. Purchase Orders - VAT Override
  4. PPM Tune Up

Release Details

GPS Coordinate Recording

  • The weather might be getting a little cooler, but Joblogic’s new features are even cooler still. One of our new features this week is GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinate recording

  • If you choose to, whenever an engineer completes one of your custom-made general electronic forms, their GPS location from wherever the form was completed can be recorded and presented within your custom-made dashboards and dynamic reports

  • The (Job)logic behind this feature is to help you to flag up and report on the more dangerous areas detailed by your engineers’

  • This will allow you to keep an eye out for the hazardous hot spots that you work at and put extra precautions in place for these

  • You can now rest a little easier going into Christmas knowing that the extra winter hazards present at this time of year are on top of

  • This feature will require you to set up the right data sources on both your custom general mobile forms and dashboards so you’ll need to get in touch with our technical support team to assist in setting these up. Just give your customer success team a shout and they will be happy to help 😀

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Service Kits Continued

  • Another cool one for you is our continued work on Services Kits

  • We kicked this off in our last release with it’s first phase. See here for past info

  • In this release we’ve made a number of improvements

  • These include a new service kit ‘quick add’ button when against assets & equipment and extra asset class information when adding a service kit

  • We've also added the ability to add service kits against assets within PPM contract visits

  • Finally, we’ve added a new ‘PPM Parts Required’ submenu within the PPM area allowing you to view required parts information for PPM visits more easily

  • Still wanting more I hear you say? What about the mobile? Well... we are also planning to apply the mobile updates for Service Kits next week so keep an eye out for our mobile release notes w/c 4th December

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Purchase Orders - VAT Override

  • VAT can sometimes prove tricky at the best of times and none of us want that at this time of year

  • We’ve therefore added a new check box in the settings area to help things run a bit smoother depending on how you handle VAT against purchase orders (P.O’s)

  • This new check box can be found under Settings > System Setup > System Settings and is named ‘Override VAT’

  • If this setting is switched on, it means that the system will automatically replace any VAT values on material cost lines pulled from a P.O with the VAT value setup for the applicable site, customer or system default

  • If it’s left off it’ll still just pull it from the P.O

  • A nice little time saving, early Christmas gift for those of you who address P.O’s and VAT within Joblogic in this way

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PPM Tune Up

  • We have given our PPM module a tune up with some useful, new, little tweaks

  • It is now possible to amend the ‘Date Raised’ field against generated PPM invoices making life that little bit easier if things change or a mistake needs undoing

  • We have also added a new function which will calculate and pull the invoice period through to the invoice’s description based on the billing frequency set against it

  • For example, let’s say that you send a little Christmas invoice for 25/12/2023 with a monthly invoice schedule to follow this for the upcoming year. The first invoice’s description will therefore for state 25/12/2023 - 25/01/2024 automatically for you

  • This should help to make PPM invoice dates a lot more clear and manageable heading into 2024

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  • These aren’t the only PPM tune ups though

  • We’ve also improved the PPM importer

  • A new trade time accumulation grid has been added to the PPM import template. This new grid will calculate the individual amounts of time added to each PPM visit and accumulate the total time per trade

  • A ‘Service Type’ dropdown has been added to the Asset & Equipment Details areas and an ‘Auto Populate Service Type’ checkbox has been added to the 'Create PPM Import Template' area. When combined, these two little beauties will allow you to more easily assign service type data within the PPM import template sheet as this will all be set up for you so long as it’s assigned to the assets within the system

  • We have also added 4 new columns to the PPM Import sheet template. These being: Asset Make, Asset Model, Asset Serial Number and Trade allowing you to detail your assets even more comprehensively

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  • In addition to the above, some PPM related check box settings have been added to the settings area under Settings > System Setup > System Settings

  • These are both related to the PPM importer (under PPM > All PPM Contracts > Import PPM) and are named:

  1. ‘PPM - Group Assets into Visits Based on Trade’

  2. ‘PPM - Associate Job Category with Trade’

  • These titles may sound a bit confusing at first but what they do is really quite simple

  • If the ‘PPM - Group Assets into Visits Based on Trade’ check box is switched on, then once imported in, the system will create groups of assets based on the engineer trade for you and create a separate visit for each group

  • If the ‘PPM - Associate Job Category with Trade’ check box is switched on, then the system will allow you to assign an associated job category to each of your engineer trades. When filling out the PPM Import sheet, the job category will then automatically populate for you based on the linked engineer trade selected and fill in this information for you once imported

  • If that’s not already enough for this Christmas, we have added some new auto-populate check boxes, separate to the above settings to the Import PPM page which will allow the ‘Trade’, ‘Asset Description’ and ‘Frequency’ to import into your PPM visit’s ‘Visit Description’ field within the system

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Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • We figured that the above is more than enough for this week’s release so we’ve not made any improvements. There were a few bugs which needed sorting so that we can go into the New Year nice and fresh. These fixes are details below:

  • An issue where URL’s selected within the notes areas was redirecting incorrectly is now sorted

  • A problem related to service jobs where saving would fail if the ‘Other’ recurrence frequency was selected has been rectified

  • There was a problem with the user details area not showing two-factor authentication details. This has been corrected

  • An issue where the “Schedule of Rates“ toggle button was not showing the job total information correctly has been fixed

  • A problem with the account number field disappearing from the subcontractor details page has now been sorted out

  • There was an issue with warning notices against sites failing to show correctly after adding or editing them. This has now been fixed

  • A problem where photographs taken via the mobile application were showing incorrectly via docx templates has been rectified

  • An issue with log quote, customer contact events failing to populate has been fixed

  • A problem where site addresses and other site details were failing to save has been corrected

  • Finally, a Refcom related one for our Fgas clients. There was a problem where the asset description dropdown menu within the customer Refcom Audit area section wasn’t displaying correctly. This has now been rectified

  • Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by these bugs and thank you for your understanding and patience whilst they were being fixed

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