JLD01: Finance
  • 20 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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JLD01: Finance

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Article summary

Overall Dashboard Filter - 365 days before and after today’s date, based on Invoice Date Raised.
Filters available:
   ○ Invoice Date Raised
   ○ Customer
   ○ Site
Approved/Draft Invoices - Clustered graphical representation of Approved vs Draft invoices count.
Payment Status - Clustered graphical representation of Paid vs Unpaid invoices count based on the respective payment status.
Overdue Invoices - Doughnut graphical representation of Paid vs Unpaid invoices count.
Invoices by value - Pie graphical representation of invoice count where the total invoice amount is less than £1000, Invoice amount between £1,000 and £10,000 and greater than £10,000 with its respective overall percentage.
Invoice by Trade - Clustered graphical representation of Invoice gross sum based on trades.
Invoices by Area - Pie graphical representation of Invoice count based on Areas.
Invoice Summary Table - Per invoice details based on filters applied. The data in this table can be downloaded, further filters can be applied on exported data.

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