JLD04: Quotes
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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JLD04: Quotes

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Article summary

Overall Dashboard Filter - All time data Dashboard excludes the quotes where the Chance of Sale is equal to 100 and only includes quotes with the statuses Approved, Upgraded, Rejected, Outstanding, Quote Sent and Cancelled.
● Filters available
    ○ Date Logged
    ○ Job Type
    ○ Job Category
    ○ Quote Owner
    ○ % chance to close
    ○ Customer
    ○ Logged By
    ○ Quote Status
    ○ Source of Enquiry
    ○ Site
    ○ The Ordered Status
Pipeline by stage
    ○ If chance of sale = 0% → “No idea if they are going to order ”
    ○ If chance of sales = 25% → “Small chance of closing”
     ○ If chance of sales = 50% → “Really good chance of closing”
    ○ If chance of sales = 75% → “Verbal Order”
Trend - Count of quotes Lost, Cancelled and Won based on quote statuses per month:
    ○ Approved and Upgraded = Won
    ○ Rejected = Lost
    ○ Cancelled = Cancelled
Won % - Percentage of Approved and Upgraded quotes.
Won Amount - Sum of Sell value of Approved and Upgraded quotes.
Lost % - Percentage of Rejected quotes.
Lost Amount - Sum of Sell value of rejected quotes.
Cancelled % - Percentage of Cancelled quotes.
Cancelled Amount - Sum of Sell value of cancelled quotes.
Total Amount - Sum of all Quotes sell value excluding the quotes with Outstanding and Quote Sent status.
Outstanding Quotes - Count of quotes with Outstanding and Quote Sent status.
Quote Conversion Rates - All time quotes count based on quotes status (similar filters as ‘Trend’ chart)
Quote Owner League Table - Quote count per Quote Owner where quote status is Approved and not Outstanding or Quote Sent.
Monthly Quote Value - Sum of Quote sell value per month, excluding Outstanding and Quote Sent.
Quotes by Sources - Quote count in terms of Lost, Cancelled and Won per quote owner.
Details Table - Generic information per quote. It doesn’t show outstanding quotes as they cannot be categorised as lost or won yet.

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