• 20 Jun 2023
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Article summary

Overall Dashboard Filter - All time data

Open Quotes tab: Shows the quotes live activity.

Filters available
    ○ Date Logged
    ○ Customer
    ○ Site
    ○ Job Type
    ○ Job Category
    ○ Owner
    ○ Source
    ○ Status
Number of Quotes - Total number of quotes logged.
Open Quotes - Count of quotes excluding Approved and Upgraded Quote Status.
Quotes Closed - Count of quotes excluding Outstanding and Quote Sent Status.
Total Quoted - Sell value of all quotes.
Total Open - Sell value of all quotes excluding Approved and Upgraded Quote Status.
Total Closed - Sell value of all quotes excluding Outstanding and Quote Sent Status.
Quotes Approved % - Percentage of Approved quotes.
Total quote amount approved - Total Sell value of all quotes with Approved Status.
Quotes Upgraded % - Percentage of quotes Upgraded to jobs.
Total Quote amount upgraded - Total Sell value of quotes with Upgraded Status.
Pipeline by Stage - Provides the Weighted value (Total Sell * (Chance of Sale / 100 )) per Chance of Sale If Chance Of Sale is blank = No Value, Chance Of Sale is 0% = No idea if they are going to order, Chance Of Sale is 25% = Small chance of closing, Chance Of Sale is 50% = Really good chance of closing, Chance Of Sale is 75% = Verbal Order, and Chance Of Sale is 100% = Order Needs to Upgrade.
Source of enquiry - Count of quotes per Source of Enquiry in a pie chart.
Total Sell Per Owner - Table of Quote Owner with Total sell Amount of Quotes by the Owner.
Count Per Quote Status - Doughnut Graphical representation of Count Per Quote Status.

Outstanding Quotes tab:
    ● Data for the quotes which reside under Outstanding status and provides the ability to filter the results by clicking on Site Name, Owner and Job Type.

Quote with Expiry Date tab:
     ● Data for the quotes which are due to expire in the desired date range
     ● Can filter the results by clicking on the Site Name and Owner.

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