JLD06: Fgas Cylinder
  • 20 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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JLD06: Fgas Cylinder

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Article summary

Overall Dashboard Filter - All time data.
Number of Active cylinders - Count of cylinders which are active.
Number of overdue cylinders - Count of cylinders where the return date is past the current date.
Number of full cylinders - Count of full cylinders where gas bottle weight is equal to the bottle’s
current weight.
Cylinders in office - Count of cylinders in the storeroom.
Cylinders in field - Count of cylinders with engineers.
Weight by supplier in KG - Cylinder weight per supplier.
Capacity of waste bottles - Available percentage capacity of Waste cylinders.
% of gas left in virgin bottles - Available percentage capacity of Virgin cylinders.
No. of bottles by supplier - Count of cylinders per supplier.
Weight of each gas - Sum of gas in all cylinders per refrigerant type.
Cylinder Type - Count of cylinders based on Cylinder Type.
Weight of refrigerant type by engineer - Sum of current weight of refrigerant per engineer.

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