JLD07: Engineer Performance
  • 13 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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JLD07: Engineer Performance

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Article summary

Engineer’s Visits Overview tab:

Overall tab Filter - Data from the previous year start and till future based on Visit Start date
Filters available
    ○ Visit Start Date
    ○ Visit End Date
    ○ Job Type
    ○ Job Category
    ○ Engineer Name
Status Wise Visit Count - Engineer visit count based on visit status as Rejected, Completed and Accepted only.
First Time Fix - First time fixed visit count per engineer. This table only reads the engineer visit count where the visit status is ‘Completed’ and no ‘Revisit Required Reason’ against it.
Engineer Visit Table - Engineer visit status with generic visit and job information.

Engineer’s Profitability tab:

Overall tab Filter - All time data
Filter available
    ○ Engineer Name
Engineer Cost VS Profitability - Cost Trend line (blue) shows cost per engineer whereas Profit trendline (Green) shows the profit (Sell - Cost) per engineer. Only Labour and Travel cost/sell are included.
Busiest Engineer - Sum of engineer labour and travel duration. (Ordered by highest labour duration).

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