• 13 Apr 2023
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Article summary

Overall dashboard Filter - Data from the previous year start and till future based on Job Logged date
● This dashboard provides individual Job Cost and Sell values stats excluding Invoiced, Cancelled, Completed, Costed and Paid status.
Filters available
    ○ Job Date Logged
    ○ Job Type
    ○ Customer Name
    ○ Site Name
    ○ Job Status
    ○ Job Category
    ○ Primary Trade
● The Cost vs Sell chart represents the sell values in bar charts and the cost as a red trend line based on Job Type.
Undelivered PO Amount - Sum of undelivered PO items sell value excluding VAT.
Total Sell - The sell value of all the jobs.
Total Cost - The cost value of all the jobs.
Job Summary table - Basic Job details and in-depth cost/sell details along with job number as hyperlink that will take you to the job detail page.

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