Job Statuses
  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Job Statuses

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Article summary


Joblogic provides the ability to track jobs which can then be managed by the assigned job statuses. They can also be used for searching, categorizing, reporting and detailing the work.

This user guide will walk you through what each job status signifies.

Assigning Job Statuses

Navigate to the left-hand side panel to access Jobs > All Jobs.

Most job statuses will be assigned automatically as you go through your normal processes of logging a job, assigning an engineer, completing the job, etc.

You can however also manually update statuses if required. Click on the job number to view the Job Details page.


The job details page contains all the components of the job, with Job Status being the first one.

Your Job Status will also be displayed and colour coded at the top of the page (Orange for open statuses, Green for closed and Red for Cancelled)

In order to change the Job status click on the orange ‘Edit’ button on the top right corner of the screen.


Next, you can view all available statuses by choosing the Dropdown option under the Status header.


Select the status you wish to assign to the job. For instance, ‘Attended’.


You job will be updated once you have clicked Save at the bottom of your page.


Status definitions

New Job

Open Status - Orange icon

This status signifies the job is freshly logged and no further action has taken place yet


Open Status - Orange icon

This means the job has been assigned to an engineer from the back office. This will automatically update once an engineer has been allocated.


Open Status - Orange icon

The status will automatically change to Attended if the visit has been deployed and the engineer has Travelled to Site from the mobile application.

Awaiting Parts

Open Status - Orange icon

You may want to change the status to Awaiting Parts if an engineer has marked a part as Required and / or you have had to raise a Purchase Order for some parts. This will be a manual status change.

Parts to Fit

Open Status - Orange icon

When Delivering Items on a Purchase Order, you will have the option to ‘'Set Job Status to Parts to Fit'' if you wish


Closed Status - Green icon

Once the visit has been completed on the app by the engineer, the job will automatically update to Completed. You can also manually update the Status via the dropdown or by clicking the Complete Job button at the top of the Job Details page to close down the job.


Closed Status - Green icon

This is a manual status. You can change the job to Costed once the job costs have been reviewed, and it’s ready to be actioned further.

Reqs. Invoice

Closed Status - Green icon

This status can only be updated manually. When a job has been completed and costs checked, for example, you can mark the Job as Requires Invoicing ready for the next stage.


Closed Status - Green icon

When an invoice is added to the job and then Approved, the status will automatically update to Invoiced. Draft Invoices will not alter the job status.


Closed Status - Red icon

If you want to remove a job from your progress list, but still keep the history, you can cancel it. This will be a manual status change.


Closed Status - Green icon

When payments are made or accounts reconciled, you can amend the status to Paid.

While you can add payments against invoices in Joblogic, the Paid status is currently a manual status change only.


Open Status - Orange icon

This is also a manual status change and can be used if you need to pause a job or recall it for more information for example. This will keep the job open so you can reallocate when required.

Searching using Job Statuses

All Jobs will have a status at all times. These statuses can be used to filter down your jobs list should you wish to do so.
This allows you to utilize the job statuses for easy visibility on how the jobs need to be actioned.

Firstly, navigate to Jobs > All Jobs

Next, click the Status dropdown from the top right.


You will be able to tick the status options you wish to filter the results by. You can pick multiple statuses at once.

There are also handy grouped statuses such as ‘’All Closed’’ or ‘’All Open’’


Further Support

For further information or assistance with the above, contact our Support Team on 0800 326 5561 or email Alternatively, our Customer Success Management team can be reached by emailing

Publishing Details

This document was written and produced by Joblogic’s Technical Writing team and was last updated on the date specified above. Be aware that the information provided may be subject

to change following further updates on the matter becoming available or new releases within the system. Additionally, details within the guide may vary depending on your Joblogic account’s user permissions and settings or the electronic device being used.

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