Mobile Release: 13th March 2023
  • 14 Mar 2023
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Mobile Release: 13th March 2023

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. 2-Factor Authentication (Android & iOS)
  2. Waze as a default option for opening Map on iOS app (iOS only)

Release Details

2-Factor Authentication (Android & iOS)

2-factor authentication is now available on mobile applications, and it will ask for the verification code which will be sent to the user's email.

  • The verification code sent to the user's email is valid for 5 minutes.
  • 60 seconds after the first code is sent, the user is able to click Resend Code to receive another verification code.
  • The Resend Code option will be disabled for 15 minutes after the user clicks Resend Code 3 times.
  • The Verify button will be disabled for 15 minutes if the user enters an invalid code 5 times.
  • Once clicking on the Verify button with a valid code, then a popup shown below will appear.

2-Factor Authentication 1

A new biometric authentication feature has been added to the mobile application which will provide an extra layer of security for mobile app users.
To activate this feature, users will be prompted to confirm their preference during the initial setup or can enable it later through the app's settings.
2-Factor Authentication 2

2-Factor Authentication 3

In the case where biometric authentication is not supported by the user's device or if the user chooses to not to use it, they can opt for a passcode as an alternative option.
2-Factor Authentication 4

Users can easily turn ON/OFF the biometric authentication and the passcode. There is also an option to change the Passcode timeout.
2-Factor Authentication 5

Waze as a default option for opening Map on iOS app

The latest update to the iOS app allows users to choose Waze as their default map application when opening an address.
However, users can still switch back to Apple Maps or Google Maps by adjusting the default map app in the app's settings at any time.
Map on iOS app 1


We also improved the app with some security patches

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