Mobile Release: 27th March 2023
  • 16 May 2023
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Mobile Release: 27th March 2023

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. App version naming convention is updated
  2. Filter Job Type and Job Category by Customer and by Site when Logging a Job / Quote
  3. Instant Messaging - Group Chats

These Release Notes relate to both Android and iOS application v1.139.0

Release Details

1. App version naming convention is updated

To simplify the process of updating our mobile application with major and minor releases, we have made a change to the version number. Both the iOS and Android versions of the app will now share the same starting version, which is 1.139.0

2. Filter Job Type and Job Category by Customer and by Site when Logging a Job / Quote

Previously, we introduced the capability to specify Job Types and Job Categories for individual Customers/Sites through our Backoffice, this functionality is now also accessible through our mobile application.
When creating a new Job or Quote, users will now only be presented with the Job Types and Job Categories that have been linked to the corresponding Customer/Site. These settings can be modified through the Backoffice.
Filter Job Type and Job Category

3. Instant Messaging - Group Chats

Adding to the Instant Messaging functionality, Mobile users now have the ability to create Group Chats
To create a Group Chat open the Chat window and select the 'New Chat' button. A new option is available here to 'Create Group'.
Instant Messaging 1

To create a Group Chat, select the desired users, choose Group name and click "Create" at the top right of the screen. The chat will then appear in the window for sending messages.
Instant Messaging 2

The User has the ability to edit the Group at any time, including adding or removing members, changing the Group name, or leaving the Group.
Instant Messaging 3

To add new members to the Group, click on the "Add Participants" button, as depicted below.
Instant Messaging 4

To remove a member from the Group, simply select the member and tap on "Remove From Group".
Instant Messaging 5

To leave the Group, tap on "Leave Group" from either the Group Info or the Group Chat screen.
Instant Messaging 6

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Forms list on Android will now be displayed in alphabetical order, similar to the iOS application.

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