Mobile Release: 6th December 2022
  • 16 May 2023
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Mobile Release: 6th December 2022

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. Instant Messaging between Back Office & Mobile (Android & iOS)

These Release Notes relate to Android v1.0.133 and iOS v1.0.107

Release Details

1. Instant Messaging between Back Office & Mobile (Android & iOS)

After a successful launch of our Instant Messaging feature in the Back Office system in September we have extended the functionality out to Mobile Users on Android & iOS devices.

The Chat option is found on the menu bar at the bottom of the screen.

iOS - Visits.PNG

When you tap onto the Chats option you will be able to create a new Chat or continue with any existing Chats. To create a new Chat you can tap on to the New Chat option shown below.

iOS - Chat Screen.PNG

A list of Users set up in your Back Office software will be displayed for you to select from.

iOS - Chat Users.PNG

Any previous Chat messages between you and the selected user will be displayed.

iOS - Chat History.PNG

To send a new Chat message tap into the Message field, type your message and then tap the send arrow to the right of the message box.

iOS - Send Message.PNG

When a new Chat Message is received the User will receive a notification as shown below.

iOS - Notification.png


  • Only Mobile Users with the latest Mobile version will appear in the contact list
  • Out of App notifications and the ability to add an attachment to a message will be included in a forthcoming release


iPhone Screen Format

An improvement has been made so that the full screen is utilised for the whole iPhone family.

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