Mobile Release: 8th November 2022
  • 07 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Mobile Release: 8th November 2022

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. Show "My Documents" from Backoffice - (Android & iOS)
  2. Public / Private Notes Toggle - (Android & iOS)
  3. Additional Asset Search Options - (Android & iOS)

These Release Notes relate to iOS v1.0.106 and Android v1.0.132 of our Mobile Application.

Release Details:

1. Show "My Documents" from Backoffice - (Android & iOS)

Documents that relate to a specific Engineer can be added to that Engineer within the Back Office. If the documents are set to be "Public" they will now show on the Engineres Mobile device.

Users - My Documents.png

The Documents are listed if the Engineer navigates to Menu -> My Documents

My Documents.jpeg

When the Engineer taps onto a file link the document will be displayed.

2. Public / Private Notes Toggle - (Android & iOS)

A new setting has been recently added to the Back Office which allows notes to be set as a default of either 'Public' or 'Private'. (Please see the related Release Note here)

When set to 'Public' the 'Is Private' checkbox will remain unchecked, this may be selected if the Engineer wishes to ensure the Customer will not see the Note later.

Notes - Public.jpeg

When set to 'Private' he 'Is Private' checkbox will be checked, this may be deselected if the Engineer wishes to ensure the Customer can see the Note later.

Notes - Private.jpeg

3. Additional Asset Search Options - (Android & iOS)

Assets within a Job can now be searched for by Reference Number / Make / Model in addition to the previous search criteria. The search criteria will return a list of any matching Assets / Related Assets.

Asset Search.jpeg

Bug Fixes Android & iOS

Android Bug Fixes

  • An issue related to UI has been fixed where the * character was displaying incorrectly on Mandatory Service Type Tasks
  • An issue has been fixed where currency symbol was not setting based on the back office system setup
  • An issue where the Job Owner was showing as "System User" has now been resolved


  • An issue has been resolved where clicking on the Asset Detail card was not displaying the Asset details correctly
  • The behaviour of the Notify Office checkbox has been corrected when adding a note
  • An issue where the Job Owner was showing as "System User" has now been resolved

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