Mobile Release: Week commencing 15th January 2024
  • 30 Jan 2024
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Mobile Release: Week commencing 15th January 2024

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Article summary

Features scheduled for release from 15/01/24 via a staged roll out. This means that changes may not take effect on the mobile app straight away, but the latest version including the new changes can be manually downloaded from the App/Play store (Version 1.150.0 on both IOS and Android), if required. The functionality detailed will not be available in any version of the mobile application until this date. However, please note that this an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. Non Job related Expenses

Release Details

1. Non Job related Expenses

  • To coincide with last week's web release, we have updated the mobile app to include a new option for Non Job Expenses!
  • This means engineers can now add their own Expenses outside of regular job, making things easier for calculating and reporting costs all in one place.
  • This will only be available to engineers who have been granted the relevant permissions via Settings > Staff > name. Search for ‘expense’ under the Mobile tab to find these permissions easily.

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