Mobile Release: Week commencing 17th July 2023
  • 12 Jul 2023
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Mobile Release: Week commencing 17th July 2023

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Article summary

Features scheduled for release on 18/07/23 via a staged roll out. This means that changes may not take effect on the mobile application straight away but the latest version (IOS v1.143.0 / Android v1.143.0) including the new changes can be manually downloaded from the App/Play store, if required. The functionality detailed will not be available in any version of the mobile application until this date. However, please note that this an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. Chat update - Voice messages
  2. Update to Group Priorities
  3. Advanced Mobile feature - Quote updates

Release Details

1. Chat update - Voice messages

  • To coincide with the latest back-office release, we have added the voice messages function to the mobile app too
  • This will revolutionise the way you can communicate with colleagues, making it easier and more time efficient to get information to the relevant people
  • Not only can you record and send high-quality voice messages to individuals, but you can also do so within group chats too by simply clicking the microphone icon to record your message.


  • Another addition to the single conversations (not yet available within group chats), is the ‘read’ tick symbol – so if a colleague has read your message and not replied – you'll know!


2. Update to Group Priorities

  • Similar to the back office, priorities have had a little makeover on the mobile app too!
  • Now, only the priorities set up against the group will be available to choose from, meaning there will be less room for error and choosing the wrong option
  • Nothing else has changed, functionality wise – The default priority against the customer/site will still pull down to the job/quote as before and you can carry on as normal!


3. Advanced Mobile feature - Quote updates

  • We are adding even more ‘back-office functionality’ on the mobile app this week, with the introduction of ‘Log Related Quote’
  • This exciting new addition means a mobile user can work on a visit and log their own further works quote – meaning you can get on with your other tasks!
  • Of course, you may not trust everyone to do this themselves, so we have added some new permissions within Settings > Staff to allow you to pick and choose who gets access to this new feature.



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