Mobile Release: Week Commencing 21st October 2024
  • 01 Nov 2024
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Mobile Release: Week Commencing 21st October 2024

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Article summary

Features scheduled for release from 21/10/2024 via a staged roll out. This means that changes may not take effect on the mobile application (app) straight away but the latest version including the new changes can be manually downloaded from the App/Play store (Version 1.161.0 on both IOS and Android), if required. The functionality detailed will not be available in any version of the app until this date. However, please note that this ETA may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. Two Factor Authentication - Authenticator App Option
  2. Increased Asset Panel Character Limit
  3. SOR Item Updates

Release Details:

1. Two Factor Authentication - Authenticator App Option

  • We have a great one for improving the app’s security for you this week with the release of our new 2FA (2 factor authentication) Authenticator App Option for mobile

  • Previously our 2FA function only consisted of an email method where an email containing a security code would be sent to the email address associated to the Joblogic account

  • We have now improved our 2FA by providing an authenticator app method allowing for a secondary option incase you can't get the authentication email for whatever reason

  • Head over to the ‘Status’ area of your app's main menu to set this up

  • We know that things like this can sometimes be daunting and tricky if you’ve never used it before so we have a user guide with much more detail on how to set up and use 2FA with an authenticator app for both the mobile app and the back-office, if you need it

  • See here to check it out

  • You can also see details on how we previously did this for the back-office here


Image 101.png

Image 103.png

2. Increased Asset Panel Character Limit

  • In last week’s JL Web release we increased the Asset Panel Character Limit within the back-office and this release brings the mobile app up to speed with this

  • Just like in the back-office you can now input and view more detailed information within the asset panel without having to cut any relevant data out

  • The character limit has been increased to 6 characters before a decimal point and 4 afterwards

  • For more details on assets in general check out our assets area of the support portal here

Asset Panel.png

3. SOR Item Updates

  • In last week’s JL Web Release we introduced a variety of updates to our SOR (Schedule of Rates) module and in this release, we have updated any aspects associated to the mobile app

  • Mobile users are now able to view the long SOR item description

  • View any SOR rate splits

  • And view the SOR item’s status (‘Required’, ‘Completed’ and ‘Not Required)

  • They’ll also be able to add new SOR items and edit existing ones, with of course being able to add and edit the above-mentioned details for the item too where applicable

Capture 3 2.PNG

Capture 2.png



We figured that the above is enough for the mobile this month so we’ve not made any further improvements. There were a few bugs which needed sorting though and details can be found below.

Bug Fixes

  • A problem last month where mobile users were getting notifications with the wrong title (a ‘FCM notification) has been sorted

  • An issue with form details not loading correctly when opening the form on an Android device has been fixed

  • There was a problem where attachments were sometimes displaying incorrectly and this has now been corrected

  • There was an issue where engineers were able to select parts and equipment to ‘issue from stock’ that were not assigned to them. This has now been corrected meaning that only items within the engineer's parts/equipment list can be selected

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by these bugs and thank you for your understanding and patience whilst they were being fixed, if you noticed them

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