Mobile UI Update
  • 30 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Mobile UI Update

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Article summary

Mobile UI Update

We are currently working on Joblogic App improvements. The first stage of changes will be launched on the 26th of August – these changes will not impact any functionality as they will be only visual updates, such as colours, letter fonts, icons etc.

Gradual Launch – These visual changes will be rolled out to engineers using a phased approach, meaning that it might take a few weeks for you to start seeing the changes.

See below some examples of the new-look mobile app, coming into effect from Wednesday 26th August:

Before and After

Before and After

Leave Your Feedback

Once your Joblogic app is updated, we’d appreciate your feedback. It will be shared with the Joblogic Development team for further consideration. Please click here to provide your feedback.

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