Release: 11th September 2019
  • 05 May 2021
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Release: 11th September 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Latest Releases

Scheduled for release on 16.09.2019. Please note that this date may be subject to change.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • The search functionality on the job search/listing screen, found within the Customer Portal has been optimised.
  • The customer form designer screen now includes a ‘Cancel’ button, which will return you to the Electronic Forms search/listing screen. Please be advised that this does not currently warn you about unsaved changes, but will do shortly.
  • We will now display an error message if you try to edit visit times via the planner once a job has already been started and/or completed. Previously this would discretely fail and not notify the user.
  • PPM invoices, credit notes and payments may now be exported to any connected Xero account. This means the process no longer needs to be performed manually via the ‘Report’s module.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue within the ‘Refcom Log Book’, whereby non-corresponding reasons could be selected when performing additions, removals and corrections, has been corrected.
  • We have fixed an issue regarding the allocation and deployment of multiple engineers via the tracking map. Previously validation messages would still remain – this has been rectified.
  • An issue whereby text within notes would not automatically format correctly onto new lines has now been resolved.
  • Various instances, whereby right-clicking a button or hyperlink in a new tab would show an error page, have been corrected.
  • We have fixed issue when deleting supplier parts. Previously the deleted item would not be removed from the list until the page was refreshed.

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