Release: 13th march 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 13th march 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Pay Bands and Trade Rates

Automate your billing based on day, time and engineer trade.

  • Pay Bands have been introduced into the Engineer Detail tab of the Staff Detail screen to work in conjunction with Selling Rates. This will allow you to apply different cost and sell values for different trades and for automatically calculating and charging for overtime.

Pay Bands Configuration for an Engineer:

  • The same configuration has also been added to the Company Details screen, where you may configure Pay Bands at the Company level.
  • A new Pay Bands library has been introduced, so you can set up multiple costs for Labour, Travel and Mileage. This can be found on the Pay Bands page.

Pay Bands Library Screen:

  • An Engineer Trade library has been added; here you can add your Trades which can then be assigned to Engineers, Jobs or Quotes. This can be found on the Trade page.

Assigning Trades to an Engineer:

  • Selling Rates within the Library have been modified to allow you to configure different rates per Pay Band & Trade. These values will be used when Mobile costs are accepted into Job costs.

Configuring a Selling Rate with Pay Bands & Trade Rates:

  • You may also manually apply and modify Trade Rates and Pay Bands for Job and Quote costs. These can be configured when adding or editing Job and Quote lines via the relevant Detail screen.

Company Documentation

  • A new Company Documentation section has been added to the Settings module of Joblogic; here, you may upload documents such as certifications, insurance documents and so on.

Improvements Modifications & Bug Fixes

  • Various user interface and user experience improvements have been implemented across Joblogic.

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