Release: 16th July 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 16th July 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release on 22.07.2019. Please note that this date may be subject to change.

Additional Default DocX Templates

  • We have added a number of new default DocX templates for all document types, these can be found in the Document Template library and may not be deleted.
  • Please feel free to use these templates as a starting point for any bespoke templates that you wish to create, they are yours to download and modify as you wish.
Grey and Blue
Light Tones

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Engineers displayed in the Live Tracking Map will now show in ‘distance order’, relative to the selected job. The closest engineer to the selected job will be at the top of the list.
  • When a job asset is suspended, the following icon will now display against it in the list. Previously displayed against site assets, but not job assets.
  • When a Quote is approved via Joblogic or the Customer Portal, office users will now receive a notification that this has happened.
  • Users can now select library items from the relevant drop down list (tax rate, nominal code, service type etc) regardless of whether they have the related ‘View’ permission. They will still be unable to view the library list screen.
  • When subscription payment fails, we will now send notification emails to everyone with the ‘Subscription – View Billing’ permission, as opposed to just the primary user.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where deleting all attachments from a Note containing no text would leave a blank note record in the notes list. If all attachments are deleted from an empty note, the note itself will now also disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Equipment Class’ drop down would not automatically select the correct value when a Part or Asset was selected first. This will now update automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where you could move parts of the value of a date/time input field around with your mouse cursor, which would cause an error to occur.
  • Fixed an issue of entering a non-existing Engineer name, when logging a new job. An error message ‘The field Engineer must be a number.’ would be displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where emails sent via Joblogic would on occasion be received twice by the recipient.
  • Fixed an issue where Nominal Codes displayed against Invoice lines would disappear after importing costs from jobs. This would re-appear after refreshing the page.

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