Release: 16th March 2020
  • 30 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 16th March 2020

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Article summary

Purchase Order Search – All Tab

  • A new tab has been added to the purchase order search screen to show all purchase orders.

Working Hours

  • Priorities can now be set to only consider business hours, meaning time outside of working hours will no longer be included when figuring out remaining priority time.

Invoice Summary – Job Invoice History

  • An Invoice summary has been added to the job invoice history screen.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Purchase Order Lines – Internal change for reporting to link Job cost lines with PO Lines.
  • A new tag, Job Type – @@JobTypeDescription@@ has been added for Invoice Templates.
  • Jobsheet – Visits with Aborted or Cancelled statuses can be excluded by placing the following tags anywhere on the document:
    Exclude Aborted Visits – @@VisitsExcAborted@@
    Exclude Cancelled Visits – @@VisitsExcCancelled@@
  • Jobsheet template new tag: @@PartUsed_Number@@
  • An error message for generating the same PPM Invoice twice has been made clearer.
  • We have changed the default order of Purchase Order search.
  • SMS messages being sent internationally from the system have been improved to take advantage of the recent changes to saving phone numbers in the system.
  • We have added Postcode column in Quote/Invoice/Related Quote search.
  • Many tables in the system have been moved to the new style of table.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue has been fixed with job search where ordering by priority wasn’t working as expected.
  • Dashboards in the menu list on the sidebar will only show the ones that the user has access to.
  • We have fixed a bug where the ‘Add’ button was not showing on the Asset list screen, regardless of granted permissions.
  • We have fixed a small bug with the Tax Code not changing when part is changed.
  • Deleting the customer will now correctly remove any PPMContracts.

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