Release: 17th December 2020
  • 21 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 17th December 2020

  • PDF

Article summary

Part Deliver Purchase Order Lines

  • It is now possible to part deliver Purchase Order lines.
  • When delivering, a new option to record the delivered quantity is available.
  • The Quantity Delivered will display the quantity for the PO item.
  • This can be increased or decreased (depending on if you are receiving more or less than the original PO item line).
  • Entering an increased quantity will update the original line to the new quantity.
  • Entering a decreased amount will update the original line to the new quantity and create an additional line for the remainder.
  • This option is only available when receiving against an individual PO item.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved paging issue for Gas Cylinders/Log Book.
  • Fixed line order on PO when printing.
  • An issue with number of customers/sites on map view has been resolved.
  • We have issued a fix for duplicated assets on jobsheets.
  • There has been a fix for map pin popups not being able to be dismissed on mobile devices.
  • We have fixed an issued where customer/site name were not showing when viewing assets in grid mode from site asset page.
  • We have fixed an error when paging an empty list.
  • Scheduler date select arrows fix for firefox.
  • User can now search from table instead of ready-data when loaded for suppliers when creating stock purchase order.
  • We have fixed an issue with reference number displaying incorrectly du to being long in related assets.
  • We have removed duplicated success message for pay bands.
  • We have fixed some special character on Dynamic Dashboards Name.
  • We have resolved an issue where “Payment received” emails would display currency code (i.e. GBP, USD) instead of the correct symbol (i.e. £, $).
  • An issue has been resolved where Invoice Header, Terms and Notes tags on PPM Invoice DocX templates would always
    read their values from PPM Contract -> Invoice Header section, instead of the values in the PPM Invoice itself.
  • Validate when xero session expired.


  • Stop overwriting contact email and phone number on exporting Xero invoice.
  • Added tool-tip for appointment on PPM contract visit.
  • @@Logbook_AssetRefrigerantCharge@@ tag in Jobsheet DocX templates will now round to the nearest 3 decimal places.
  • Job export now contains Site Area, Job Trade and Job Tags as an export.
  • Parts/Equipment that have already been created as a stock entry will now be excluded from the create stock dropdowns.

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