Release: 18th June 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 18th June 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release 24.06.2019; please note that this date may be subject to change.

Call Out Fees & Pay Bands

  • Call Out fees can now be set up to vary depending on the Pay Band, Trade and Priority of the Job (similar to Labour, Travel and Mileage).
  • The value of the Call Out will be decided by the time the Call Out begins.

New DocX Template Tags

  • We’ve expanded the available list of Tags that can be used within your custom DocX templates. Please see the new tags below. For a full list of all the available tags on DocX templates, this can be found within the Document Template Guidelines.


  • Accounts Numbers – @@CustomerAccountNumber@@, @@SiteAccountNumber@@
  • Contact Info for Customer and Site – @@CustomerContactName@@, @@CustomerContactTelephone@@, @@CustomerContactEmail@@, @@SiteContactName@@, @@SiteContactTelephone@@, @@SiteContactEmail@@


  • Dates – @@TargetCompletionDate@@, @@AppointmentDate@@
  • Revisit / Reject / Abort Reason– @@Visit_RevisitReason@@
  • Refcom Logbook Info – @@Logbook_TransactionDate@@, @@Logbook_TransactionType@@, @@Logbook_AssetNumber@@, @@Logbook_AssetDescription@@, @@Logbook_CylinderType@@, @@Logbook_SerialNumber@@, @@Logbook_RefrigerantType@@, @@Logbook_Quantity@@, @@Logbook_Engineer@@, @@Logbook_Reason@@, @@Logbook_AssetRefrigerantType@@, @@Logbook_AssetRefrigerantCharge@@, @@Logbook_CylinderRefrigerantType@@, @@Logbook_CylinderRefrigerantCharge@@, @@Logbook_CylinderRemainingWeight@@, @@Logbook_AssetNewWeight@@
  • Refcom Leak Check Info – @@LeakCheck_Date@@, @@LeakCheck_AssetNumber@@, @@LeakCheck_AssetDescription@@, @@LeakCheck_Engineer@@, @@LeakCheck_Result@@, @@LeakCheck_FollowUpActions@@


  • Job Notes – @@JobNotesTable@@, @@Notes_DateAdded@@, @@Notes_NoteText@@
  • Job Completion Date – @@JobDateComplete@@

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • When cloning items inside a PPM, the cloned task will no longer be set as completed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the related quotes tab inside the Job screen.
  • Users are now able to select an address when creating new users from the scheduler page.
  • When configuring Email Notifications via the ‘Settings -> System Setup -> Customer Email tab’, the Email Subject and Body fields are now mandatory and cannot be left blank. Existing templates have not been modified.
  • Fixed an issue in the Engineer Tracking maps where certain icons would show a long white bar when the user mouse hovers over them.
  • Search term inputs on search screen are now limited to a maximum of 255 characters.

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