Release: 19th march 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 19th march 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release 25.03.2019; please note that this date may be subject to change.

Reorganisation of Settings Screens

  • We have reorganised and redesigned the settings screens in order to make them more consistent with the rest of Joblogic. Making these screens simpler, easier to navigate and use.
  • The following information will detail all settings pages that have been added or modified, explaining what shall be updated:
Company Setup (View page)- A number of settings which were previously within the Company Details page have now moved into a separate System Setup page. The new Company Setup page now only includes information relevant to the company itself.
System Setup (View page) - Here you may configure your System Settings, Email Templates, Financial Details, Invoice Details, Quote Header/Footer and also clear your data (if required).
Scheme Providers (View page) - If your company is registered to any schemes (such as Gas Safe/CORGI, FGAS, Refcom), you may input the relevant registration/membership number/’s here.
Credit Card Payments (View page) - Here you may connect Joblogic to your Stripe account so that you can receive payments from your users for Invoices, Quotes etc…

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Various user interface and user experience improvements have been implemented across Joblogic.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue has been resolved where the Site Asset import would sometimes fail without warning. This happened if incorrect date/time formats were used for the Installation Date or the Warranty Expiry Date columns. We will now correctly validate the date formats and provide an error message if the date format is incorrect.

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