Release: 22nd May 2020
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Release: 22nd May 2020

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Article summary

Quote upgrade wizard

A new quote wizard upgrade has been created that will allow users to quickly and efficiently upgrade quotes. Payments can now be taken and purchase orders raised at the point of upgrading a quote to a job.

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New Field “Target Attendance Date”

We have added a new job date, “Target Attendance Date”. This is a date that will appear when a job has a valid priority selected. It will work off the breach time and also use the ‘consider company hours’ flag if this is selected.

New tabs have been added for various search screens

These new tabs are associated with:

  • Customers
  • Sites
  • Assets
  • Quotes
  • PPM Contracts.

This will allow users to filter results by different statuses as to whether the record is active/suspended or not.

Default Nominal Codes

We have added a Default Purchase Nominal Code in System Setup > Financial tab.

Default Purchase Nominal Code will be used for new Supplier Invoice Lines.

When creating a Supplier Invoice the Supplier Invoice Items will have the Nominal code of the corresponding Purchase Order Item, otherwise, it will be empty.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Nominal code types can now be edited, even if the nominal code is in use.
  • Job visits will now show a label for revisit required when sent back from the mobile.
  • Planner > Timeline – You can now auto-scroll to the time according to Company Working Hour.
  • We have introduced various performance improvements within the planner.
  • Optimisation for iPad use on some screens.
  • We have added a tooltip for Sell Per Unit in Equipment details.

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed an issue when creating a PO where the “Raised By” field is not populated.
  • An issue has been fixed when booking Non-Productive time where “End Date must be after Start Date.” Error messages would display erroneously depending on your date time format / 12h vs 24h settings, etc.
  • We have fixed an issue with PPM Details not showing correctly on customer portal.
  • Visit times – Fixed an issue with validation showing multiple times.
  • Logbook search – ‘Make Private’ button would not show up after clicking ‘Make Public’ button until after the page is refreshed.

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