Release: 22nd September 2020
  • 30 Apr 2021
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Release: 22nd September 2020

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Article summary

New Job Quick View

  • On the “All Jobs” search screen users will now notice a small eye icon. Clicking this will open up a side panel with lots of helpful information to use at a glance. This will help save time and clicks allowing users to easily see all the important information about a job whilst staying on the same page.

Attachments and Thumbnails in Parts & Equipment

  • Parts and Equipment can now have attachments added to them, if the uploaded attachments are supported images then they can be set as a thumbnail
  • Thumbnails will be shown on the main detail page as well as a new grid view that you can switch to when searching.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • There have been updates to the wording of placeholders in dropdown boxes for consistency across the system.
  • We have added validation for Job Task Summary.
  • The latest table styling has been applied to Company Setup > Business Hours.
  • In PPM Job summary, the layout has been optimised for tablets and smaller screens.
  • Default templates will be removed against the appropriate entities when hidden.
  • When searching notes, the main tag can no longer be unchecked. i.e. if you’re searching job notes, the Job tag can no longer be unchecked.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue has been fixed where part numbers were not being pulled through to POs created via the upgrade quote wizard.
  • We have fixed an issue with contacts not being automatically added to quotes logged from the mobile application.
  • We have fixed an issue in the “Add Selling Rate” popup when double-clicking on the grid to enter a selling rate value.
  • We have resolved an issue when using Report/Edit on the Dynamic Dashboard while using Safari on an iPad. Buttons no longer disappear after you first load or refresh the page.
  • In the Upgrade Quote Wizard, material descriptions will now be truncated to fit neatly inside the area available.
  • We have fixed an issue with suspended selling rates showing in selection boxes.
  • We have resolved some layout inconsistencies when using the Safari browser.
  • Users can no longer add a job category when viewing PPM contract visits in read-only mode.

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