Release: 23rd February 2021
  • 21 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 23rd February 2021

  • PDF

Article summary

Edit PPM Invoices

  • It is now possible to edit approved PPM invoices.

  • An edit option will appear in the Details section, allowing the user to make changes to:

    • Tag(s)
    • Payment Due
    • Order Number
    • Account Number
  • An edit option will also appear in the Notes section, allowing the user to make changes to:
    • Header
    • Terms
    • Notes

New Value Fields for Documents without Currency Symbols

  • These new fields will allow documents to display values on documents without any preceding currency symbol.

  • The existing value fields with the currency symbol will be retained – these new value fields will be additional document tags.

  • Invoice/PPM Invoice/Grouped Invoice

    • Prices
    • Totals
    • VAT Amounts
  • Credit/PPM Credit/Grouped Credit

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • The Dynamic Dashboard Journey has been revised to be more intuitive for the user.

  • You can display Make and Model when choosing Parts or Equipment in the Stock Record creation screen.

  • A new column has been added for job status audits to help sort logs by the time processed in the system.

  • For US/Canada customers – ‘Engineer(s)’ will now display as ‘Technician(s)’.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Part generation for JobSheets.

  • Fix for when the portal “Invoice – Show Invoice Totals Only” was not working as expected.

  • Resolved quote upgrade issues when ordering parts.

  • Fixed a bug for Postcode of Stock location which was missing when creating stock PO.

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