Release: 24th February 2020
  • 30 Apr 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Release: 24th February 2020

  • PDF

Article summary

  • We’ve moved around some of the buttons on the side menu.
  • The planner has been merged into the “Engineers” section.
  • The “Engineers” section has been expanded with a button to take you straight to the engineer staff list, as well as a new option for Timesheets (explained below).

Planner location before update.

Planner location after update.


  • Users will now be able to see a new visualisation of engineer times. This can be shown as bars over a single day, like a calendar view, or you can select a week view to see
  • This includes time from the visits, non-productive time and any unreported time as well.
  • From here users can also Add/Edit timesheet entries to fill in any gaps for your engineers.
  • The first day of the week can be changed in system settings.

Job search – Quick filters

  • Users can now save, share and recall “Quick Filters” to store popular or useful searches.
  • This can be very useful for those that need to swap around different types of job search on a regular basis.

PPM Contracts can now be cancelled

  • Cancelling a PPM Contract will cancel all new jobs and delete all draft invoices.
  • It will be left in a read-only state, so you can still go back and see how it was used.

International Telephone Validation

  • Phone numbers will now allow you to validate with any international country code.
  • You can select the country code with the dropdown to the left of the input box, or it will be recognised as you type.
  • Any saved international numbers will now also be recognised and localised when viewing for your convenience.
  • This will also mean that saved phone numbers will appear in their international format in some parts of the system, including printed documents.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • While logging a Quote, we have the new option to add Job Category.
  • There are new column & search options in quote search; “Contact Telephone” & “Next Contact Date” respectively.
  • Two new columns have been added to Job Search: “Postcode” and “Tags”.
  • We’ve added a new tag @@SiteOrderNumber@@ into the Invoice Template.
  • Purchase Order items will now be sorted by date order by default (in the list and on printed docs).
  • We have localised the permission lists against staff detail.
  • In the Portal we have made it clearer that only 10 attachments will be uploaded at any one time.
  • We now show notifications if an email could not be sent because of the document asset limit.
  • Payment options will now be hidden when the quote has expired.

Bug Fixes

  • Various fixes for PPM Contracts, Non-Productive Time, Engineer Tracking, Portal.
  • We have fixed an issue where user notes were sometimes not being displayed.
  • Visit notes will now record and show the user name of the person that added them.
  • We have fixed ordering of customer grouped invoices when sorting by priority.
  • We will now hide sell values for non-chargeable lines on Job’s Original Quote section to avoid confusion.
  • An issue has been fixed where multiple invoices could be generated with the same invoice number in a few rare scenarios.
  • A few cases of stuck loading screens have been resolved.

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