Release: 25th November 2019
  • 05 May 2021
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Release: 25th November 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Latest Releases

Scheduled for release on 25.11.2019. Please note that this date may be subject to change.

We are now grouping ‘Original Quote’, ‘Related Jobs’ and ‘Related Quotes’ tabs in Job detail into a single ‘Related Works’ tab. We are now also grouping ‘Upgraded into Job’ and ‘Parent Job Number’ in Quote detail into a new ‘Related Jobs’ tab.

1). New related works tab:

Job Visit Reminders

We have added the ability for you to set 3 reminders to receive email or sms before a visit start date. Please note that any old visits won’t have reminders set up. If you would like to use this please go back and update the visits to get reminders on them.

2). Visit reminders in the contact screen:

Recent Jobs & Quotes

There is now a new ‘Recent Jobs/Quotes’ screen that will show up when logging a job or quote. This should help you spot any potential double bookings before they happen. This will be able to be expanded from 10 days before and after the current date, all the way to 90 days after the current date.

3). An example of the recent Jobs and Quotes sections:

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • We now support filtering by excluding selected tags in the Job search screen.
  • Quotes emailed out will now use the expected template.
  • Condition of asset will now show when browsing job assets. Last service date is a new field that will now show against asset detail. This should help when trying to identify assets that need servicing.
  • Updated ‘Appointment Date’ to ‘Preferred Appointment Date’ on the new portal job email alert.
  • Related Jobs and Quotes have been optimised for mobile and tablet use.
  • We have improved the loading of templates when looking for more template options under print, download or email.
  • You will now have an option to not update job statuses to ‘Awaiting Parts’ when sending purchase order email.

Bug Fixes

  • Users will now be able to search for numbers in the reports page.
  • We have applied a limit to document templates so titles can only be 100 characters long, and descriptions should only be allowed to get 250 characters long.
  • We have made background fixes to the form builder.
  • Credit Reason popup will show correctly when trying to Approve a CGrouped/PPM Credit with no Credit reason.
  • Fixes have been made behind the scenes for accepting costs.
  • An issue with the week view in the PPM Schedule has been resolved.
  • Small fixes have been made to the contacts popups when editing/adding contacts.
  • We have fixed an issue where some reminders for visit start were not being sent properly.

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