Release: 26th January 2021
  • 27 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 26th January 2021

  • PDF

Article summary

New Value Fields for Documents without Currency Symbols

These new fields will allow you to display values on documents without any preceding currency symbol. The existing value fields with a currency symbol will be retained and new value fields will appear as additional document tags.

Purchase Order Templates:

  • PO Order item lines
  • PO totals

Jobsheet Templates:

  • Individual Job Cost lines
  • Cost Totals

Quote Templates:

  • Individual Quote lines
  • Cost Sub-Totals per line type
  • Sell Sub-Totals per line type
  • Quote Totals

New Document Tags for Purchase Orders

New Tags have been created for the Purchase Order Template document allowing additional information to be included:

  • Raised By – Name of User who raised the PO
  • PO Notes – Notes recorded against the PO
  • Owner – Owner of the PO
  • Custom Reference – Reference of PO
  • Job Category – Category of Job that the PO is for
  • PO Tag(s) – Tag(s) recorded against the PO
  • Unit of Measure – Unit of Measure against the PO Line items

All new tags can be found within the Purchase Order Template guidelines.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Site info not displayed on the quote map view.

  • Fix for removing spaces on custom forms sometimes showing a continuous spinning icon.

  • New asset not displayed when creating it against a job.

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