Release: 28th May 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 28th May 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release 03.06.2019; please note that this date may be subject to change.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Upgraded / Approved Quotes will now display the name of the user who upgraded / approved them and the date when the action happened.
  • Approving a credit without a reason will now prompt the user with the notes boxes, allowing this to be updated easily before the credit is approved.
  • Forms logbook will now order forms by the most recently done by default (if you have not already set as a custom filter).
  • Previously, when importing items using CSV files (Customer, Site, Asset, Supplier, etc) and entering a new line / line break into one of the fields, this would cause an issue with imported records. We will now replace new lines with the “-” character, this prevents the issue.
  • Selling rates are now an optional field during customer creation.
  • There has been a new transaction type filter added to refcom logbook search screens.

Bug Fixes

  • When creating a PPM contract, adding a site on the fly will now correctly display fixed invoice options.
  • Fixed a minor bug with job status where the ‘’Recall’ status did not have a coloured bullet-point marker on the Job search screens.

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