Release: 29th December 2020
  • 21 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 29th December 2020

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Article summary

Add Preferred Engineer to Sites

  • It is now possible to set a Preferred Engineer against a site.
  • A new setting will appear in the Configuration section of a Site.
  • When selecting an engineer upon job creation the Preferred Engineer will display with a “(Preferred)” label next to it.
  • This label will also display when allocating visits elsewhere in the system (within the job, PPM contracts, etc.).
  • Additionally when viewing the Jobs Panel within the Planner the preferred engineer can be seen within the information for the job.

New Document Tags for Quote Template

New Tags have been created for the Quote Template document allowing additional information to be added to Quote Documents:

  • Billing Address – The billing address associated with the Customer Detail.
  • Uplift – The uplift value when adding material/expenses lines.
  • Job Category – The category of job associate with the Quote.
  • Prepared by Email Address – The email address of the Quote Owner.
  • Prepared by Telephone Number – The telephone number of the Quote Owner.
  • Note text (with Attachment) – To indicate where a note is associated with an Attachment.

All new tags can be found in the Quote Template guidelines

New Document Tags for Engineer Multi-Day Visits

  • New tags have been added for the Jobsheet Template document to display the individual Arrival and Departure times for engineers when on a multi-day visit.

  • This allows the Jobsheet to reflect all times that the engineer was on-site.

  • All new tags can be found in the Jobsheet Template guidelines.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • We have resolved an issue with appointment confirmations in the Portal.
  • We have fixed a problem with Job Asset display in PPM contract resolved.
  • An issue where printed invoices would always use the system default, instead of cascading through Site and Customer
  • defaults, has been fixed.
  • Logbook naming has been made consistent in portal and portal link.
  • We have issued a fix for inability to search text with square bracket included.


  • Job Asset Class and Site Asset Class are shown in Portal.

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