Release: 2nd June 2021
  • 22 Jul 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Release: 2nd June 2021

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Article summary

Release Topics

  • Release Topics
  • Multiple Parts Libraries
  • Import into Parts Library
  • Planner Resource Grouping
  • Planner Multiple Engineer Time Zones
  • New Document Template Tag @@Asset_QRCode@@

1. Multiple Parts Libraries

  • A user is now able to create multiple parts libraries. This is ideal for managing scenarios where you may purchase the same item from multiple suppliers who have their own product codes, descriptions and prices. Another use case is to enable a set price list per customer.
  • Users will be able to determine which of the libraries is the ‘default’ and then browse to other libraries at the point of searching for parts in Joblogic.
  • This feature is enabled in any of the screens where parts or materials are added including quotes, costs, purchase orders, stock and the parts section of the Joblogic Mobile App.

2. Imports into Parts Library

  • Users are now able to import parts or materials data from Excel into Joblogic. This makes it much easier to keep supplier’s prices up to date.

3. Planner Resource Grouping

  • A new view is available to users when planning engineers to jobs. The view enables a planner to see engineers in each of the current views i.e. day, week, month, timeline and agenda.
  • Each engineer will be allocated a colour so that a planner can quickly identify a job for a particular resource. Jobs can be easily dragged around in this view.
  • Users can decide which colours are allocated to each engineer. The colour allocation will also be useful when engineers are working in teams.

4. Planner: Multiple Engineer Time Zones

  • Users are now able to toggle between different time zones in the Joblogic Planner. This is ideal for companies that have engineers operating in different countries or states in the USA.
  • The default time zone will be driven by the system settings but the user will be able to easily change this in the planner so that visit dates and times do not need to be re-calculated manually.

5. New Document Template Tag @@Asset_QRCode@@

  • A new tag has been added to the asset table to present the QR code for an asset on the job sheet and quote/estimate document templates

Improvements, Modifications and Bug Fixes

Improvements & Modifications

  • Performance enhancements have been made to the PPM search screen.
  • Improvements have been made to the custom report templates module that include a new ‘add report template’ button & features and the ability to export the report in CSV & XLSX.
  • Bell icon/notification tool now also notifies when a batch delete is in progress.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where PPM schedules would sometimes display incorrectly when adding a visit has been fixed
  • An issue in the Customer Portal whereby the page redirects incorrectly after editing a quote asset has now been fixed.

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