Release: 30th July 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 30th July 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release on 05.08.2019. Please note that this date may be subject to change.

Deleting Forms via Logbook

You may now delete forms completed by engineers via the Forms Logbook screen ( Users will require permission to use the ‘Delete’ function on the Forms Logbook in order to perform this action.

Status Prompt When Delivering Purchase Order Items

Previously, when delivering parts or equipment added to a purchase order, the relevant job would automatically be updated to the Parts to Fit status, overwriting the existing job status.

This is no longer an automatic process, we will now prompt you to confirm if you would like this to happen. If you do not want to update the job status, simply uncheck the ‘Set Job Status as Parts to Fit’ checkbox.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Numbers will now be correctly formatted with commas, for example; £1000000.00 will now display as £1,000,000.00.
  • There is also improved field mapping for different country address formats when using the address lookup. This resolves an issue where Address 1 -> Address 4 is used for different parts of the address for different countries.
  • Permissions for ‘Customer Portal’ users to view ‘Public Notes’ and ‘Attachments’ have been combined into one single permission request.
  • When adding a new supplier into your supplier library (, a new branch will now be automatically added to it with the same address and contact details as the parent item.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue where the page would seemingly load continuously after adding a new Gas Cylinder with an existing serial number to the ‘Log Book’ has now been resolved.
  • The ‘Export to Adobe PDF’ option will now correctly show inside of the live dynamic dashboards. It would previously only show in ‘Review’ mode.
  • An issue where Uber portal link invoices would show line items even when the invoice was configured as ‘Totals Only’, has now also been resolved.

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