Release: 3rd January 2019
  • 07 May 2021
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Release: 3rd January 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release 07.01.2019; please note that this date may be subject to change.

Merge Notes and Attachments

  • Notes and Attachments have been combined into one easy to manage screen. This provides users with the ability to give greater context to attachments with extended notes and build up a history of the relevant entity.
  • We have also introduced the ability to add notes (combined with the existing attachments) to the PPM Contract and Asset screens

Cost Screen Non-Chargeable Changes

  • Several changes have been made to the Cost Screen for Non-Chargeable costs. Specifically in relation to Jobs raised from a Quote or PPM Contract
  • Any costs on Jobs raised from a Quote or PPM will default to Non-Chargeable
  • Non-Chargeable costs no longer display sell values in the cost grid
  • Totals box now displays the Quoted Value and Additional items for Jobs raised from a Quote
  • Selling rate is now displayed (and editable) at Job and Quote Level
  • When adding a cost as Non-chargeable, sell fields are now hidden by default
  • If a cost has been invoiced, you can now navigate directly to the invoice via a link in the status column of costs
  • Bugfix: On a Job upgraded from a Quote, when you raise an invoice, it should now pull through any chargeable items on the Job – not just the quote values

Append new Costs to Draft Invoice

  • When raising an Invoice from a Job, if you have an outstanding draft invoice, you can now append the additional costs onto that invoice

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • When adding attachments, the ‘Save’ button is now disabled until some attachments are selected to upload
  • Added Make and Model fields into Asset Search, Export and Import
  • The Import error handling has been improved so it now provides much clearer, meaningful error messages
  • All types of library item will no longer allow duplicate Descriptions. Created and updated library item descriptions will now be trimmed of white space
  • Job Search List Page – include the Date Logged in the expanded job details
  • Tracking maps will now default to the company location. Also the zoom level has been standardised and zoomed further out

Bug Fixes

  • When logging Jobs via the Customer Portal, Job Descriptions longer than 255 characters will no longer be cut and separated into Job Notes
  • When adding or editing an Asset, the ‘Asset Reference Number’ label has now been corrected to ‘Number’ (or Asset Number)

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