Release: 4th August 2020
  • 30 Apr 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 4th August 2020

  • PDF

Article summary

Notes – Attachments Redesign

  • A new design for the attachments in the notes tab has now been created.
  • This will also show a thumbnail of any images attached.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • The new, improved table style has been implemented for Invoice Detail/Credit.
  • The invoice lines table has also been changed to the new style.

Bug Fixes

  • When an engineer logs a job via the Mobile app, the Event Notification settings for any Customer or Site will now also be copied across.
  • We’ve amended an incorrect label when changing Invoice Address for PPM Invoice. It’s been changed from “Credit to Site” to “Invoice to Site”
  • We’ve fixed an issue when editing a Purchase Order. Originally if you changed the Supplier, the Account Number didn’t pull through the new supplier’s account number. This has been rectified.
  • We’ve fixed a textbox issue whereby ‘Search Jobs’ would not clear after refreshing the page.
  • ‘Last service date’ is now not available to be edited. It has been changed to a label for clarity.
  • Previously typed text on ‘Asset Class’ will no longer appear when there’s no match.
  • PPM Contract – We’ve fixed an issue with “Date to Raise/Payment Due” not displaying Date-time picker when interacting with it.
  • We’ve fixed an issue whereby the Date-time picker input in Invoice/Credit details would not show.
  • We’ve added a fix for any changes in “Edit Contact” popup from the Job Contacts tab not being saved.

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