Release: 4th December 2020
  • 21 May 2021
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • PDF

Release: 4th December 2020

  • PDF

Article summary

Sell Value Rounding

  • A new rounding feature is available for rounding the sell values on Jobs.
  • A new setting exists against System, Customer and Site to set defaults for rounding sell figures – Site & Customer can be set to inherit the setting.
  • A rounding option allows to set a default for ‘No Rounding’, ‘Round Up’, ‘Round Down’ or ‘Round to Nearest’.
  • A rounding duration is used to set the default duration to round to.
  • Automatically rounded Job lines will have a ‘?’ to advise the cost duration vs. what is has been rounded to.
  • An individual line can be viewed, the cost and sell durations are displayed (along with the rounding set for this line).

  • The rounding can be changed for an individual cost line by selecting the ‘Edit’ option.

  • Any invoice generated will display the Sell Value as per the rounded duration.

Job Import via CSV

  • A new job import function has been added, which is available from the All Jobs screen.
  • A template can be downloaded and filled in with all relevant fields available as per logging a new job in Joblogic.
  • Once filled in the user can upload the template file back to Joblogic to create the jobs.
  • The import is limited to 100 jobs per import.

All Purchase Orders – Display Ex/Inc VAT

  • New fields have been added to display the Purchase Order value excluding VAT and any Supplier Invoice value excluding VAT.
  • Existing Value/Invoice Value fields have been updated to show that these are inclusive of VAT.
  • The new fields can be hidden/displayed as required.
  • They are also available as part of the Export.

Modify Delivery Address on Purchase Orders

  • It is now possible to modify the delivery address of Purchase Orders.
  • The order Delivery Status must either be “Not Delivered” or “Not Applicable”.
  • A new edit icon appears next to the Delivery Address when editable.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes

  • We have resolved an issue where using the Share option of Quote to view in Portal would result in an Error page.
  • We have fixed Print issue with Customer Grouped Invoice for material lines.
  • We have fixed an issue with sorting by address for Sites.
  • An issue has been fixed for sorting on Assets.
  • We have issued a fix for the download function not working on Job and Quote in Portal.
  • There has been a fix for list/grid button on asset detail showing incorrectly. There is also a visual fix for main thumbnail icon on parts/equipment.
  • We have resolved an issue with site & visit pop-up not opening when hovering/clicking in planner.
  • We have fixed an issue with the quick search not returning results.
  • We have made prices in Stock module consistent with other parts of the system (currency formatted and 2 d.p).
  • We have updated status to Sent when sending email in purchase order stock.
  • We have ensured credits are now deducted on contract value for PPM contract.
  • We have fixed an issue where pagesize value was lost when changing tab or refresh on Quotes/POs.
  • Visits will now show the abandoned travel reason under the visit item if travel was abandoned.
  • We have resolved an issue with PPM contract attachment downloads in the Portal.
  • An issue has been resolved when clicking Asset Description on Site Assets.
  • We have fixed an issue with uploading multiple files in customer portal for Quote Details.


  • We have added Open Office file (odg) as available file to upload.
  • We have added confirmation checkbox for ‘Pass to Accounts’ process for invoices.
  • We have added warning confirmation when deleting items with links entities (e.g. Site with Jobs, Visits, etc.).
  • Configuration options for Customers & Sites have been relocated into a new ‘Configuration’ section – Including Rounding, Defaults, Tax Rates, Document Templates.

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