Release: 4th February 2020
  • 30 Apr 2021
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Release: 4th February 2020

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Article summary

Joblogic Latest Releases

Scheduled for release on 17.02.2020. Please note that this date may be subject to change.

2 New Optional Tags Added to Jobsheet Templates

  • @@Visit_StartDate@@
  • @@Visit_CompleteDate@@

2 New Optional Tags Added to Standard Invoice Templates

  • @@MostRecentVisitStartDate@@
  • @@MostRecentVisitEndDate@@

Non Productive Time – Moved!

  • Non-productive time has been moved to the engineer section and brought up to date. Users can also now book time directly from the list screen.

Appointment Confirmation

  • Visits will now have the ability to be “Approved”. This means that customers will be able to approve visits before you start deploying visits to engineers.
  • This should help you only deploy out visits that have actually been approved by your customers.
  • Customers can be informed via email or SMS, and they will approve the visit via the portal link.
  • A new approval link can be sent over through existing emails and SMS customer alerts.

Dynamic Dashboard Permissioning

  • Dynamic Dashboards can now have custom permissions setup on a per user basis. Users can either be invited to view or edit each dashboard. Primary users will always be able to edit all dashboards.

Renewing a PPM Contract

  • You will now have the option to allocate the visits to the same engineers as before.

Engineer Notifications

  • An option has been added to inform your engineers when a visit has been deployed. This can be done via email and SMS.

Manual Form Upload

  • Users will now be able to upload manual copies of forms for referential purposes. Please be aware that there is a size limit on files you can upload.
  • This feature can be enabled via a permission.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • Quote Number columns in Quote Tables are now sortable.
  • A new column has been added to Job search, ‘Appointment Date’. It can be sorted by and moved around the columns as usual.
  • Notifications will now be hidden after 2 weeks.

Bug Fixes

  • Scheduler – We have fixed an issue where a visit would not be automatically deployed when dragging between engineers.
  • Portal link – An issue has been fixed with the “Next” button not working correctly for attachments.
  • We have fixed an issue with Job search results change from page 2+ when filters include tags.
  • Customer Portal & Portal link – We have fixed a bug with quotes being able to be approved even after being approved/upgraded by the office.
  • Purchase Order Emailing – We have fixed an issue where supplier email was not being filled in when checked.
  • An issue has been fixed when ordering by DateLogged on the Job search screen.
  • PPM Invoices – We have updated PPMContract Start and End dates to match regional format.
  • Historical tracking – This will now centre map to fit all markers on search.
  • Job Allocation and Contact sections will now no longer be hidden when navigating to the Related jobs/quotes tab in the create job popup.
  • Issues have been fixed with accepting multiple Job costs where 1 was invalid.

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