Release: 5th October 2021
  • 06 Oct 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Release: 5th October 2021

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. Improved Documentation Emailing
  2. PPM Importer Improvements
  3. Parts Library Association to Suppliers
  4. @@Site Billing Address@@ Tag

Release Details

1. Improved Documentation Emailing

  • Improvements have been made to the emailing functionality of document templates
  • When emailing document templates all customer and site contacts are now available to select as recipients
  • A free text field is also available in order to send the document to a recipient who does not exist as a contact

2. PPM Importer Improvements

  • Improvements have been made to the PPM Importer
  • An ‘Auto Populate All Assets’ checkbox has been added to the ‘Create PPM Import Template’ area preventing users from having to manually select assets within the spreadsheet
  • A search function has been added to the ‘Service Type’ area within the import spreadsheet preventing users from having to manually scroll through high volumes of service types
  • Drag and drop/copy and paste functionality has been added to the visits/weeks area of the import spreadsheet allowing for greater efficiency when compared to the previous individual dropdown selection method

3. Parts Library Association to Suppliers

  • It is now possible to link a Parts Library with a Supplier by setting a ‘Default Parts Library’
  • This means that the associated Parts Library will be presented by default when creating a Purchase Order concerning the related Supplier
  • This will enable users to manage high volumes of parts, lists and libraries more effectively and ease the Purchase Order process

4. @@Site Billing Address@@ Tag

  • A new @@SiteBillingAddress@@ Tag is now available for use within Credit note, Invoice, Jobsheet, Purchase Order, Quote, PPM Credit and PPM Invoice document templates

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes

Improvements and Modifications

  • The ‘Staff’ and ‘Customer Portal’ pages within the ‘Settings’ area have been made more consistent with each other with regards to viewing ‘Include Inactive’ items

Bug Fixes

  • An issue whereby ‘Quoted Values’ were working incorrectly against Customer Grouped Invoices has now been resolved
  • An issue whereby ‘Non-Productive Time’ types were failing to save when marking as inactive has now be fixed
  • An issue concerning the Xero sync whereby an invoice/credit note fails to sync due to total tax amount decimal place distinctions has been corrected
  • An issue concerning the Customer Portal whereby an Invoice may fail to download/print has been resolved

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