Release: 9th July 2019
  • 06 May 2021
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Release: 9th July 2019

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Article summary

Joblogic Web Updates

Scheduled for release on 15.07.2019. Please note that this date may be subject to change.

Improvements, Modifications & Bug Fixes


  • We now allow XML (.xml) files to be uploaded as attachments when adding notes to Customers, Sites, etc.
  • The appearance of the scroll bar within the News Feed page has been matched with that used within the rest of the Joblogic platform.
  • When ordering the relevant search/listing screen via Address, we will now be able to sort alphabetically using the entire address, as opposed to just Address1.
  • The Planner has been improved to work better with various screen sizes and resolutions.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue fixed when exporting reports as a CSV – previously if some records contained quotation marks in their data, the export would not display them correctly when viewed.
  • The same fix as above has been applied when exporting CSV data containing quotation marks via search/listing screens (Customer, Site, Job, etc).
  • An issue has been fixed when adding tax rates ‘on the fly’. They will now not be automatically selected.
  • When creating visits in the past for a PPM contract set with fixed price invoicing, the invoice will now automatically be approved, as opposed to being drafted. This means you no longer need to manually approve these fixed price invoices.
  • A sporadic issue found when logging jobs in the month by month view in the Planner has been resolved.

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