Web Release: Week Commencing 10th July 2023
  • 06 Jul 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Web Release: Week Commencing 10th July 2023

  • PDF

Article summary

Features scheduled for release on 11/07/23 for US accounts and 13/07/23 for UK based accounts. The functionality detailed will not be available in the system until these dates. However, please note that these dates are an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. Log Job from Template
  2. Update to Group Priorities
  3. Notification - Email Bounced
  4. Chat update - Voice messages

Release Details

1. Log job from Template

  • We've added a new toggle to the log job page, allowing you to log a job, with your standard details really fast. But, its so much more than that!
  • Not only will this save you time and admin, this is also going to allow you to determine which Job Forms get assigned to the job.
  • The possibilities here are endless - want a reactive job to contain 3 certain forms, No Problem! Want a specific customers work to contain a set of forms, No Problem! This will stop your engineers having to choose from your library and only show them what's needed.
  • Plus it's simple to get set up, go to your Settings > Library section and click on Job Templates and choose your set up.

Click here to read more with our useful guide



2. Update to Group Priorities

  • Priorities and grouped priorities in particular have had a little makeover!
  • Now, only the priorities set up against the group will be available to choose from, meaning there will be less room for error and choosing the wrong option
  • Nothing else has changed, functionality wise – The default priority against the customer/site will still pull down to the job/quote as before and you can carry on as normal!

Click here to read more with our useful guide

3. Notification - Email Bounced

  • Joblogic's email notifications are great! They tell you your system email was delivered, when it was first read and even when the recipient last read it. Well, now we have taken care of the frustrating undelivered emails too!
  • The system will now notify you if your email has failed and give you details on this in the bell icon.
  • This means you don't have to worry about that important update, document, job sheet or invoice being bounced or undelivered, and not knowing anymore.


4. Chat update - Voice messages

  • We have added an exciting new update to the Chat function within joblogic - Voice messages!
  • You can now use the microphone icon to send messages of up to 1 minute, seamlessly between the back office, and mobile**

image 23.png

** this function will only be available on mobile once you have updated to the latest version after the mobile release on the 18th July 2023.

Bug Fixes

  • The Account Number is now populated automatically after selecting the supplier on the Add Stock PO screen
  • The exported .csv file now contains the correct parts from the selected library when exporting parts
  • The labour cost line is now displayed correctly in the Job > Costs after rounding to the nearest 30 minute
  • The Quote trade filter is now working correctly in the Quotes screen
  • You can now load more than 13 engineers on the Planner page without any issues
  • SOR Invoices will show the correct value via the portal link
  • An issue has been fixed where the site notes were showing up in the Invoice document template when using the job notes tag

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