Release: Week Commencing 20th February 2023
  • 16 May 2023
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Release: Week Commencing 20th February 2023

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. 2 Factor Authentication
  2. Show Quoted Value on All jobs page
  3. Add Material Cost Screen UI Update

Release Details

2 Factor Authentication

A new toggle “Enable/Disable 2FA” has been added on Settings/System Setup. By default, the toggle is disabled.

System Settings 2FA.png

After the 2FA Verification is enabled, the 2FA Verification Setup screen will be shown when the user re-login.

2FA Setup.png

2FA Verification.png

  • The verification code will be sent to the user's email. The code is valid for 5 minutes.
  • After 60 seconds after the first code is sent, the user is able to click Resend Code to receive the a verification code.
  • The Resend Code option will be disabled for 15 minutes after the user clicks Resend Code 3 times.
  • The Verify button will be disabled for 15 minutes if the user enters an invalid code 5 times.
  • Once clicking on the Verify button with a valid code, then a popup will appear on screen as follows.

2FA Success.png

A new 2FA Section has been added on User Details. Admin staff can enable / disable the toggle for each user.

User Details - 2FA.png

  • The associated information (Email, Verification Date) will be added once the user successfully sets up 2FA with an “Activated” status.
  • If the toggle is disabled, the associated information will be removed with a “Not Active” status. Once enabled again, the user must perform the setup process again at the next login.
  • A new permission has been added in the Admin User / Staff role as “2FA Setting”. By default, 2FA permission will be Granted and displayed to the admin role only.

2FA Permission.png

Show Quoted Value on All jobs page

Users are now able to copy the Quoted value to a Job after upgrading a Quote.

Quote Value Confirm.png

When a Quote is upgraded to a Job, the Quoted Value will be populated on the Quoted Value column on the All Jobs screen.

Quote Value Column.png

Add Material Cost Screen UI Update

When selecting a Part the part number is now displayed before the description.

Material Cost.png


Create a quote from recent quote - improvement/other scope

The option to create a Quote from existing Quote is now available when logging a Related Quote on the Job Details page.
When turning this feature on, existing Quotes from the selected Site will be displayed.

Log Quote.png

Bug Fixes

  • All Invoices - Sorted view on the page now saves
  • Portal Link - The hyperlink for Asset details now works correctly
  • Purchase Order - Search Screen and Details Screen now show the same statuses
  • Part Import Permission - Removing the Import permission no longer revokes the permission to view the Parts
  • PPM Quote - First Visit Date is now displayed correctly on Details page
  • View Planner - Branch, Classes, Trades and Settings in quick filters can now be saved

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