Web Release: Week Commencing 24th July 2023
  • 25 Aug 2023
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Web Release: Week Commencing 24th July 2023

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Article summary

Features scheduled for release on 25/07/23 for US accounts and 27/07/23 for UK based accounts. The functionality detailed will not be available in the system until these dates. However, please note that these dates are an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topic

  1. New document template tag for SOR Item Library Sell Value
  2. Quick filters Permission
  3. Default nominal code for PPM Contract & Fixed Prices Invoices
  4. Advanced Mobile feature - Assets

Release Details

1. New document template tag for SOR Item Library Sell Value

  • We are constantly wanting to make the system more customisable and easier for you to get the information you need over to your clients
  • Our most recent update is an extra tag within the 'Quote' and 'Multi-Section Quote' templates to help you do so
  • The @@SOR_ItemSellValue@@ tag will allow you to now include SOR values within the quote prices along with your other line items
  • You can check other available tags and amend your templates by going to Settings > Document Templates – Happy editing!

If you do wish to read more about setting up your document templates, click here



2. Quick filters Permission

  • It’s frustrating if you’ve spent time setting something up for someone else to come in and edit or delete your work, isn’t it?!
  • To help with this, we have added some further permissions to allow you to restrict users from viewing, creating, overriding or deleting public quick filters, throughout the system! You will still be able to create your own private filters as normal.
  • These can be found via Settings > Staff (View, Create and Override are under the Business header, while Delete will be under the Advanced header)



3. Default nominal code for PPM Contract & Fixed Prices Invoices

  • We all love to save time where we can – we have so much to do in the working day that sometimes things may get missed or forgotten too
  • So, we have added a new setting to allow you to set a default nominal code for any invoices you log against your PPM contract. This will save you time and make sure nothing is left blank by mistake!
  • To set this default up, go to Settings > System Setup > Financial Tab > edit
  • Now, when you log your PPM Invoices, or Fixed Price invoices, the system will automatically assign the default nominal code.


4. Advanced Mobile feature - Assets

  • The latest addition to our Advanced Mobile feature is Assets!
  • You can now view, create, edit and delete assets and their notes as you would in the back office
  • This gives more responsibility and control to your engineers … should you wish to do so
  • To set this feature up, go to Settings > Staff and allow the relevant permissions



Bug Fixes

  • The contact is now added successfully while logging a job from the planner
  • The visit status is now showing when hovering over or clicking on the visit in the customer portal
  • An issue has been fixed when printing a Stock PO - it will no longer show a pop up stating that the job status has been updated.
  • The reports are now displaying the correct format details when exporting a report with the “pass to account” option.

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