Release: Week Commencing 3rd October 2022
  • 04 Oct 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Release: Week Commencing 3rd October 2022

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Article summary

Release Topics


Job Profitability Values Now Show in the Job / Costs Screen

Previously the Job profitability was displayed within the Job within a collapsed panel at the top of the Details screen. To keep all of the financial information together this has now been moved to the top of the Costs screen within the Job.

Job : Costs - Collapsed.png

Job : Costs - Expanded.png

Preview Eye - Customer / Site / Asset / Quote / Invoice / PPM / Purchase Order

Currently we have the quick view available in the Job screen where users can quickly preview the Job details rather than opening the Job Detail page. We have now added the same Quick View in the Customer, Site, Asset, Quote, Invoices, PPM, and Purchase Order screens.

Audit for Job Asset / Contact / Cost / Task

We have enhanced the Job Audit to include the above named items

New Docx Tags

We have created new Docx Tags on the following templates:

Quote Notes
Original Quote Number
Quote value on job
Travel Start time
Total VAT
Service Type - Frequency

Job Notes

Job Notes
Job Description

Part Number for the material lines under Prices

PPM Invoice:
PPM notes

New Docx Tags in Email Templates

Purchase Order Email Template now has the following additional tag available:

Job Number, [JobNumber]

Edit - PO Template.png

PO Send Modal.png

The Visit Reminder Email Template now has the following additional tags available:

Visit Start Date-Time, [VisitStartDate]
Visit End Date-Time, [VisitEndDate]

Visit Reminder.png

Engineer Planner - Duration of the PPM Job to show on the Job Panel Cards

When viewing the Planner the Job Cards, for PPM Jobs, on the right hand side now include the total duration of the Visit based on the time allocated to each Asset.

Job Card Duration.png

Engineer Planner - Filters - Switch between Appointment Date and Date Logged

A new setting has been added into the Filters section of the Planner which allows the user to switch the auto filter between Appointment Date and Date Logged.

Planner Auto Filter.png

Instant Messaging - Audio Messages

Our Instant Messaging now includes a feature to send a recorded audio message.

IM Audio Message.png

Bug Fixes

  • An issue preventing Sites from being correctly filtered by the selected Customer has been resolved
  • An issue which resulted in the Signature on the Portal Link not being fetched from the Mobile Application has now been rectified
  • An issue resulting in an error when deleting a User Role with more than 1000 users has been resolved.

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