Release: Week Commencing 9th January 2023
  • 09 Jan 2023
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Release: Week Commencing 9th January 2023

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Article summary

Release Topics

  1. Tags for Credit Invoice
  2. Invoice Payment Due - End of Month Option

Release Details

1. Tags for Credit Invoice

Our popular Tags feature has been extended to allow a User to add Tags to Credit Invoices.

Tags for Credit Invoices can be created within the Tags Library; Settings -> Library -> Tags where a new option is available to allocate a Tag to a Credit Invoice.

Tags Library - Credit Invoice.png

When creating a Credit Invoice the Tag field is now available, The User can select a pre-existing Tag from the dropdown list or create a new Tag by manually defining the Tag and clicking on to the 'Add Tag' button.

Credit - Tag Field.png

Credit Invoice - Add Tag.png

2. Invoice Payment Due - End of Month Option

A new option has been added for calculating the 'Payment Due' date of an invoice. Previously this date was only calculated as a number of days from the date raised, we have now added an additional option so that the Payment Due date can be calculated as a number of days after the current month.

At the highest level this new setting can be found by navigating to Settings -> System Setup -> Invoice Details.

Settings - Method of Payment.png

The 'System Setting' can be overridden on a Customer by Customer basis by navigating to the Invoice Details tab when editing a Customers details.

Customer - Method of Payment.png


Method of PaymentInvoice CreatedPayment DuePayment Due Date
Date Raised5th March10 Days15th March
End of Month5th March10 Days10th April


UI Changes for adding SOR items to "Quote Price" and "Job Cost" screen

Following Customer feedback we have updated the screens for adding a Schedule of Rates item to a Quote or to a Job. Users will now see the Library that they are selecting items from and the Item selection field before the Cost / Quantity details.

SoR Item.png

Credit Note - Detailed / Totals Only Toggle

To create consistency between Invoices and Credits we have added the ability to toggle between a Detailed Credit or a Totals Only Credit.

Credit - Toggle.png

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the Engineer Team field was not showing any data when a User Logged a Job from the Engineer Planner
  • When editing an item within the Schedule of Rates Library the full description that was previously entered is now displayed
  • Resolved an issue where Equipment assigned to a Supplier could not be deleted

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