Web Release: 16th September 2024
  • 16 Sep 2024
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Web Release: 16th September 2024

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Article summary

Features scheduled for release week commencing 16/09/24. The functionality detailed will not be available in the system until these dates. However, please note that these dates are an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. Budget Tracking update

Release Details

1. Budget Tracking update

  • We’ve made a little update to the Log Related Job screens so your estimated value will now show when you have selected your assets.
  • In line with the way the feature works when logging a job straight from an asset, this update means Logging a Related Job will work in the same way.
  • When you log a Related Job and click to Carry Forward assets, you’ll be able to choose your Fault Codes as normal, and then the Estimated Value will be pulled through.
  • Click here to read more on Budget Tracking.


Email Field Limit

  • We've made a small but important change to the email field in our system
  • Now, if you exceed the character limit of 512 characters when inputting email addresses, a helpful message will pop up to let you know
  • The message will say: "Character limit exceeded: Please shorten your text to 512 characters or less."
  • This will make it easier for you to manage your email lists and ensure they meet the required character limit.

Bug Fixes

  • Scheduled Export Report now correctly sends the selected time from FE to BE on Create and Edit.
  • Amounts on PO Invoices now match correctly
  • Job types will no longer be cached from the previous logged in user, ensuring correct data is displayed in the dropdown menus.
  • The Save changes button is now working as intended within the Engineer Timesheets module.
  • Job Category dropdown data on the Job Search page now refreshes correctly for each login, preventing confusion for users with multiple instances

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