Web Release: 30th May 2024
  • 04 Jun 2024
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Web Release: 30th May 2024

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Article summary

Features scheduled for release on 30/05/24. The functionality detailed will not be available in the system until this date. However, please note that these dates are an ETA and may be subject to change.

Release Topics

  1. Invoice Matching update
  2. Profitability improvements
  3. Budget Tracking

Release Details

1. Invoice Matching update

  • First up this week is a little update to the way Invoice Matching works.
  • If you’ve created an invoice that matches all items against your Purchase Order, the Invoice Status will now show as ‘Matched’ rather than ‘Outstanding’ with a Resolve option, even if some items are still marked ''Not Delivered''.
  • This means the Invoice Status is accurate, and you have less steps to complete! 🎉
  • The ‘’Raise Invoice against Undelivered Purchase Order Item‘’ setting will need to be ticked in order for this to happen
  • Your Delivery Status will remain as ‘Partially Delivered’ so you can easily identify the POs you are waiting for.
  • To read more about adding Purchase Orders, click here and for more on supplier invoices, click here.



2. Profitability improvements

  • We have a couple of useful updates to your Profitability section this week.
  • The Draft Invoice costs will now be included in the Sell list, making your potential profits even more accurate.
  • We’ve also added percentages to your Profit totals to help you really visualise your profits. 💰
  • Navigate to Jobs > All Jobs > job number > Costs tab to take a look!


3. Budget Tracking

  • We’ve introduced a helpful new feature to assist you in managing and tracking expenditure for your sites on non-contractual jobs
  • To turn this feature on, navigate to Settings > System Set up > and Enable ‘Non-Contractual Job Budget Tracking’
  • You’ll then be able to start adding budgets against your sites > configuration, which will in turn provide warnings and limitations for your customer portal user, but also warnings and prompts for you and your colleagues too. 🤓
  • You will need to include a budget value, start and end dates for this budget, and which job types it will affect. You can add as many budgets as needed across the varying job types.
  • You’ll then need to enter your ‘Committed Spend To’ percentages, so for example, Allow Log Job (with no warnings) up to 50% of the budget total. If it’s above 50 and up to 75% for example, I want a warning to show. Anything over this will then restrict your portal user from logging a job. You and your colleagues will get warnings but can bypass for urgent jobs if needed.
  • We’ve also added a new field against your Fault Codes > Equipment Classes called Estimated Job Value. This is going to help estimate committed spend when logging jobs. Jobs can still be logged without this; the warnings will just work off current committed spend.
  • There’s a lot to unpack with this one so check out the full guide here.





Bug Fixes

We've been busy bees and fixed loads of bugs for you all! 🐝

  • We have updated an issue where the Job ID field was returning as NULL when searching for Purchase Orders by conditions.
  • The latest login dates will now update correctly on the AXA admin portal
  • The reorder quantity will now show correctly when creating a Stock reorder
  • An issue where an incorrect warning was appearing when selecting Source Date and Target Date has now been fixed
  • The Location drop down against the Material cost line should now show all data correctly
  • An issue with the @@Line_ListPrice_ValueOnly@@ tag against the Subcontractor PO template has been fixed
  • The filters on the Engineer Shift page will now work as intended
  • The Non Job Expense permission now works as intended
  • An issue with Post Code validation has been fixed
  • An issue with suspending a Contract has been fixed
  • You can now delete Secondary Job Trades while editing a job
  • Assets can now be updated as intended
  • The Job Owner will be updated accordingly when logging a job via the Customer Portal
  • The decimal point against costs on PO Line Items will work correctly
  • You will now be able to delete PPM visits as needed

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